Monday, September 24, 2007

Blogospherees Come Through

The cat blogospherees have come through. AGAIN. This time they raised money to offset costs associated with caring for the downtown colony injured eye mother and her ringworm kittens. I just got their package! Unbelievable that a troop of strangers, cat lovers all, would take the time to help Oregon strays. I don't believe any of the blogospherees are from Oregon. The organizer of the bunch, who creates online auctions to raise funds for cats in need, is from Texas! Texas!

They also helped with costs for another injured Albany cat and for an Albany cat with an autoimmune disease. That cat, Thrasher, although he also goes by other names, including Trooper, is doing great. I go see him periodically.

As for the mom cat with the injured eye, she had her eye removed in Corvallis. A Corvallis woman paid the bill and I actually have been unable to get ahold of her, or, at least, get a response about the blogospheree help on Hope's bill, arriving. So, yesterday, I went and bought a bunch of wet cat food, and dry adult and kitten food, with some of the donation money they sent. I bought five cans of anti-fungal spray also, and more anti fungal cream. This anti fungal stuff isn't cheap. I also bought two more bottles of the miconizole shampoo. With eight kittens to bathe every other day, I go through quite a lot of it.

This has been a tremendous help to me, living on no real money, and rarely getting any assistance, via cat food, supplies, etc. It's a constant struggle to survive.

I really love helping out cats. Tonight, just before I left to head up to pick up the cats being fixed, I got a call. They had just called my vets office and been referred to me. They have been feeding an old stray in Jefferson who is very very sick, they said, and needed put down, but they couldn't catch him, and he's turned agressive now, they said.

I went on up. I have trapped a lot of cats in downtown Jefferson. These folks, turns out, live only a couple blocks from where I trapped. I knew the cat all right. He was one I couldn't get a year and a half ago, when trapping strays fed by shop owner behind a vacant falling apart house. I rehomed some of the others. Nigel, a brown tabby, later died in his new home, apparently of pneumonia or collapsed lung. His mother is still alive and well in a Corvallis home.

I netted the gray male. They were going to take him either to the Salem Humane Society or to the vet in Jefferson. Then I saw a black and white cat run into their house and said "Who is that?" I thought I recognized him, too. "Oh, he adopted us about 8 months ago and we are going to be taking him up for shots and to be neutered this month." I said, "He won't need neutered. Did you notice an eartip, his right ear, cut straight across?"

They looked at each other. "We thought he'd been in a fight and lost part of his ear. Why, what does it mean?" And so, I told them the significance of a right eartip and I told them exactly when he was neutered and where and what I'd done for him then in addition, like worming and flea treatment and also that I was happy, very happy, to see him looking so good, and now with a home, too, a year after the fact.

Some days end like rainbows glowing, like beautiful sunsets, like meaning for your life.

Thank you blogospherees. All of you. Wherever you are. You are helping me. You are helping Oregon strays. I hope you know, we love you here.

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