Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Five Cats Fixed

 I'm too stunned to write much today.

Last night, Trump issues an order halting all federal assistance grants and loans and requiring anything not spent be returned I think.   This affects millions of Americans, including me.  Its everything from kids school lunches to rural school assistance to medicaid, HUD, federal student loans, you name it.   Half of some states budgets are federal dollars.  

The shut off of federal assistance may mean homelessness for me.   I rely on HUD.    I am hearing the HUD block grants are included and will be shut down.  

I'm extremely sad this morning.  Tears have poured.   Then I had to forget it and get busy cleaning litter boxes.   How will I find them homes, if I don't have one myself soon.   

I have to stop being sad and start getting ready.   Cancel everything that I pay even a dime for.  Get rid of things.  I need to give it a day first.   Before I do a thing else.  

Research, medicaid, kids lunches, rural schools aid--all these things, apparently just suddenly gone.  It's blurry and unclear online.  Dismantling America.

Five beautiful cats were fixed today from two locations.  The pair from a Corvallis (not Lebanon like I thought at first) homeless camp, a mother and daughter, went and were fixed.   The three from only half mile or so from my place went too, the three left behind when an old RV got towed.   

Poo, from Thurston St.

Twilight, from Thurston

Midnight, from Thurston

Moms, from Corvallis, now living on Berlin Rd.

Bandit, from Berlin Road

Oh thank goodness I have a back up plan in place.  A friend I met helping cats way out in the hills says she'll get me an older trialer or RV and we'll build a catio for the cats and I can live on her property if worse comes to worse.  I feel like a weight is off my shoulders.   


  1. EVERYONE needs to contact their state and federal representatives/congressman and express their opinion!

    1. I don't really think anyone cares anymore though

  2. We saw those reports - and that it isn't legal. I hope so much that they money can be restored. And thank you for saving these beautiful cats.

    1. Yeah its causing mayhem already, the unknown, it was such a vague memo. I heard he's backing off some of it, as we know medicaid funding is frozen currently and that will be hard on providers nationwide. 80 million people rely on medicaid in whatever form their state provides it under.

  3. I'm sure that back up plan is a relief! I live in Oregon too, and hadn't really thought how the State may not have the funding for the benefits they provide. I have "extra help" as a senior, and if I had to pay it all myself, I couldn't. A disabled relative gets help with prescriptions, and would be unable to pay out of pocket. This harms all ages, babies to us older ones. But, not the wealthy ones. Shame on them. My brother voted for Trump (the black sheep of the family, I come from a long line of San Francisco area Democrats!), hope he's sorry. Probably not. He's a proud Conservative with a good PGE pension.

    1. I think almost all of them knew exactly who and what they were voting for. Which is scary in itself.

  4. I'm so glad you have a backup plan. I hope someone realizes that he can't just do anything about monies already allocated. Isn't that Congress' job? It's just so awful, and yet people voted for this. I wish stupidity were more painful, but I fear that those who voted for him won't be impacted by some of this awfulness.

    1. Its a plan, at least. I don't really want to move into a camp trailer, or leave my home at all.
      I wanted to live here the rest of my life, but I'd rather do that than be homeless.

  5. That hasn't been reported here and it is very disturbing. Surely millions? can't be left homeless.

    1. It's been blocked by a federal judge late today. I don't know how long that will hold. He doesn't care what he does to people, to us, to me.

  6. The broad sweeping orders have caused nothing but chaos. Hopefully, the push back that is starting to happen will cause pause and ramifications of policies will be carefully considered. There's not much to do except wait and in the meantime, thank you for continuing to help the cats.

    1. I hope congress gets some balls to stand up for rule of law, not allow our country to become authoritarian.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....