Saturday, January 25, 2025


 The cold should be gone soon, replaced by rain.  On Wednesday I believe.

I don't watch the news much.   We're going through big changes here in the US.   I don't know what to think about it.  I have a hope for the best mentality.  It's always plagued me to be an optimist.

Change can be good or bad or some of each.

I will just keep on trying to get cats fixed.  You could say some things do not change.  Lol.

Might end up even poorer or living in my car, I think to myself if I let myself go down that hole.  I worry prices might soar on many things.  How much worse could it get though, with electric bills so sky high.  I always worry when things start changing big time, which is about every four years.  But now I just make myself keep on and not think too much.   

 I have five spots Monday, the last for the month, up in Salem.  So far, none at the Salem clinic for next month. 

I'm taking three cats to be fixed Monday from a few blocks from here if the folks can catch them.   Lady said an RV was parked along the curb, said it was basically trash and it got tagged to tow and the people living in it left, and left their cats.  They saw the dishes outside the RV door after the people living in it vamoosed.  The dishes had food and water.   Then the cats vanished a few days after the RV was towed and she was really hopeful its former occupants had taken them with them. Her daughter kept putting food in the dish and then saw the cats had  returned to eat it.  

They think they're still tame enough to catch by backing them into carriers so I took a couple carriers over tonight.  Gave them a bag of straw for their shelters too.  I'm always skeptical when people tell me they can get outside cats into carriers.   I've got traps ready to take them, if it doesn't work out.

The other two going Monday hopefully will be from off Berlin Road.  The parents of a homeless lady are holding a cat their daughter caught finally. Their daughter had cared for the cat a long time while homeless, and took three kittens from one litter she had to her parents.  I took those to be fixed months ago.  But she couldn't catch the mom until recently.  She'd had another litter in October.   The daughter literally chased the cat down several blocks to catch her in Lebanon, her mom says.  So her mom currently has the cat at her place along with the latest litter, who are now teenagers.  Mom and one teen will be fixed Monday.

Backup plan if the nearby folks don't catch their three, is to take mom and four from her latest litter in.   I don't know when I will have reservations again.

That's about all that's going on around here.   Weather during the daylight hours has been beautiful, especially over on the coast.   Mornings everything is frozen over in white frost.  That's gone by 9:00 or 10:00.  By dark, its already freezing or below.  Better than below freezing all day, that's for sure.


  1. I so hope you can catch and help those cats. And won't write what I think of the people who deserted them.

    1. I'm hopeful they get them caught too. I didn't see any cats when I delivered the carriers.

  2. Change brings with it uncertainty, and I think that's the hardest part. But as you said, we canonly just keep keeping on.

    1. Yeah, I'll just wait and see, like everybody else.

  3. I am also an eternal optimist. More often than not that's a positive attribute.

    1. Thanks Kathy, it works for me also.

  4. I hope you're getting better weather. You can only do what you can do. Good luck with catching the cats.

    1. Five up being fixed right now.

  5. It's hard to be an optimist when barely a week has gone by and already so much has happened. Cancer research and all clinical trials have been stopped, the cap on prescriptions has been lifted.
    Prices are going to go higher with the supply chain breakdown as migrants are too afraid to come to work. Tariffs will add to the fun. FEMA will be shut down, every state for themselves..
    His friends, the rich, the people that think they matter more than us will be fine. Homelessness will increase.. and lets not forget about the 1500+ violent criminals - cop killers that were just pardoned.
    Sorry to be a downer but I fail to see the bright side of this situation.

    1. I know, Hena. My brother has a heart medication that with the cap gone, will be out of reach for him, I fear. A neighbor on insulin says his is jumping sky high again. Another neighbor is preparing for job loss, since she works for the farm bureau, but has just been diagnosed with cancer. It's terrifying for lots of people. I'm not ignoring that, just have no clue what to do other than keep getting cats fixed as long as I can. I have no delusions that I could end up on the streets. I barely get by on SS and Gleaners for food now.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....