Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Peanut Gets Surgery/Trailer Man Difficulties

 Peanut from Quartzville road was to get an Xray yesterday of his hurt leg and surgery if needed today.

Instead the clinic messaged me yesterday morning they had cancellations, could I bring him in?   Yes, of course.

I wasn't dressed yet but quickly got dressed, put Peanut in my car in a carrier and drove on over.

Later I got a call and an image by message.  Poor Peanut.  His left leg femur head was completely seperated from his hip.   

Xrays don't lie.  Look at the femur head completely unconnected to his hip anymore.

I didn't know if they would amputate the leg or what.  They didn't.  They did a procedure known as FHO (femoral head ostectomy).   I'd never heard of it but I guess its commonly done.  In fact four different people I know told me they'd had a cat or a dog, that had an FHO.   When cats or dogs are hit by cars, dislocated hip is a common injury and FHO is often used rather than more drastic means like trying to put the femor head back in the hip, which often doesn't work.  The vet cuts off the head of the femur, so its not banging against the pelvis causing pain.  Muscle then holds the leg in place, not a ball and socket joint.  

Wow, I thought, that's awesome!

Peanut came home with a cute cone on and some cat pain meds.

He almost immediately got into trouble with the cone.  I heard commotion in the bathroom and went in to find him in a panic, with the cone half off but around his eyes now, instead of his neck.  I quickly removed it and held him in my arms while I watched TV.  He purred and purred and finally fell asleep.  When he woke up, he was scared, looking around, wondering where he was then realized he was fine.  I know he went through hell way out where he was dumped and just want him to know only security and love.

He will be going to the kind lady who caught him whose young nephew fell in love with him that same day.   These are very kind people.   I'm really happy they will take him.   Its tough to find any cat a home, let alone a home where a traumatized kitten or cat can be safe and loved and accepted as they recover mentally and physically.  So many folk have no patience for anything that does not give them immediate gratification.  

They found another cat out there a few days ago.  This one dead and in a box.   WTF.   I felt bad for them, having to deal with this kind of animal neglect and abuse.   I know it happens routinely around here but they're new to the reality of the magnitude of it.

The vet gave me a youtube link for range of motion exercises post FHO.   I love youtube, as most of you know.   I have been able to learn so many things and fix so many things thanks to youtube.  

He'll be here a week at least, to recover and get his meds and do his exercises.  The lady taking him is very busy this time of year with family things and work.

I had acquired five more appointments tomorrow for the trailer man's cats and told him the date.  So I contact him yesterday to arrange a time this morning to bring traps to him and he finally tells me he's going to Portland today and won't be back til late afternoon.  Shit, I thought.   I go out of my way to help him get it done, give him a date a week ago, remind him and now this.   It will be tough to wait til last minute and catch the ones in the trailer not yet fixed.  I don't even want to go to that disgusting trailer.  I'm not happy with him.   People who don't fix their cats and get pretty much everything free often don't see it as a problem to not show up for the game.  So far I've taken five from there to be fixed and he has six more needing done.   He could have all but one fixed by tomorrow night.  

Most of my time right now I spend in cleaning.  Holding five extra cats here is not that easy.  To keep my own crew happy, I keep things as clean as possible.  I clean litter boxes three times a day, mop, sweep, do laundry constantly.  

 I need to shave two of the wild things now.   I got Blueberry shaved of mats, but Nemo and Mopsy need it done.  HOwever my beloved low noise rechargable clippers don't want to hold a charge anymore.  I've had those over ten, maybe 15 years and have loved them.  They don't scare cats being low noise low vibration  and I've kept the blade oiled and clean.  The lower blade is ceramic and doesn't get hot like two metal blades sliding back and forth do.  Anyhow, they were only $20 new.  I got a new pair I thought were exactly the same and they're loud, annoying and don't really cut.

I'm fed up with usb rechargables.   I have to search out the right connection wire, right connection on both ends, then an adapter, that works and has the right usb connection portal and often I cannot find both a wire with the right connections and an adapter that is working, that has the right usb connection.    My phone quit charging, but it was really both plug in adapters that quit and one cable.   I had to order a new adapter and cable.   But it came with a usb C connection to adapter.  Gosh darn.  Since nothing else I have charges with a usb C that adapter is virtually only usable with the phone.  I went through a ton of old cables of various sorts and threw out all the repeats, the non workers and the ones that charge I don't know what.  It was a tangled pile.  It felt good to get them out of here.  My neighbor says she has the same problem but is afraid she'll toss some that she actually still needs for something.

I'm still trying to organize photos.   That will take awhile.  When I worked on it the other day, I deleted over 500 photos.   Nice work, I told myself.

 Today is Gleaners day.  I look forward to it even just for some human contact.   It's my favorite day of the week.   I will work set up again.   I didn't sign up for it as a permanent position to get in my hours but now I just go and do it.  I enjoy all the people there doing set up.   


  1. I am so glad for Peanut. Excellent on the surgery front and even better that he has a loving home to go to.
    Sigh at trailer man. And your clippers.
    I am so glad that you found Gleaners. It sounds so right for you.

    1. I gave up on trailer man, but am taking his aunt's two kittens in to be done.

  2. Some people... You can't help them if they won't help themselves.

    I still say you should create your own YouTube channel. Film some of your trapping, explaining what you're doing and why. I bet you'd get a huge following.

    So happy Peanut didn't lose his leg. And he'll be out of pain.

    1. Peanut is doing well in his recovery. Biggest issue is Thistle, who is not friendly in the least but Peanut likes to cuddle with him and when I try to get Peanut out, for his meds and exercises, its a big tado, dealing with Thistle, who now feels inclined to defend Peanut. Oh cat drama. I got it done today, with sheer human deceit.

  3. It must hard for animals to understand what the cone inconvenience is about.
    I've developed a back log of photo sorting and it is getting to be to big to deal with. I could set aside twenty minutes a day to sort photos, but why I can't I do that?

  4. Probably the same reason I can't do it, Andrew. But I don't know what that reason is.

  5. I had never heard of that surgery either, but I'm glad Peanut was able to get it. He is so lucky that he found you and also a good home.

  6. FHO is definitely more common for cats now, I only used to hear about it for dogs. Glad Peanut can benefit from this. As to trailer man, sounds so very familiar. I never have issues helping if it's just the cats, it's the darned people who insist on getting in the way. Blech.

    1. I prefer to trap in the dark, or horrible weather, to avoid human interference! Its so sad, that 99% of colonies I try to trap end up with interference from the humans involved, or the cats could quickly all be fixed.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....