Friday, December 20, 2024

Day Ahead

 I'm not excited for the day ahead.

I've got to drive to Sweet Home to try to get three of the Quartville road cats out of a cage so they can go to a barn home tomorrow.  Silverton Cat rescue came through---found a barn home willing to take three of the cats.

The three cats going to the barn home used to be in Lebanon, held in a cage there.  That was up til a few days ago, when the lady holding them decided she wanted them gone, and took them up to a Sweet Home lady who is already holding four of the Quartzville road cats.

 The three with a barn home ready for them are all girls, all gray tuxes.  

I don't know what size or sort of cage they're now in, up in Sweet Home.  No doubt they are traumatized, from the sudden move to Sweet Home and a new situation.   Now I have to get them out of that cage up in Sweet Home and here, so they can go to Silverton Cat Rescue tomorrow.    

When I hold wild things in a cage, I have a carrier inside the cage, a litter box, a shelf with a blanket, so they're comfortable.  I cover part of the cage at least, to give them privacy.  when I have to remove them, I siimply take the cover off the cage and walk around near it.  They want to hide from me, and go into the carrier.  I then close the carrier door from the outside.  Or, I remove the litterbox and carrier and set a covered live trap in the cage.   This method to get them out is extremely benign without trauma or drama.

I don't know the set up she has up in Sweet Home.  I asked for cage measurements because its important to know that before I go up, but have not received any from her.  I do know two of the four she was already holding up there, that she trapped, are not fixed primarily because she can't get them out of the cage.

I dread driving up there to do this but those girls have suffered enough and need to move on.   

Sure I'd like to get the five Quartzville road cats out of my bathroom,  and let them go to the barn home open, but at least they are comfortable and can run around in there.   Peanut, the little boy teen who had surgery, is allegedly leaving this weekend to go home with the lady who trapped him, but I'm not sure she's taking him now.  

This last Wednesday I took two kittens from Sweet Home to be fixed.  In addition, a tech who works at the clinic, is trying to help a lady in Lebanon with 30 cats, and took three of those in to be fixed.  HCC, my nonprofit, paid for all 5 fixes.   We had five appointments last Wednesday for the trailer man's cats but he bailed out last minute. So instead his aunts two kittens were spayed.   I'd met these two kittens back in October, when the aunt contacted me about another cat showing up at their previously entirely fixed colony, with kittens.   I had gotten the mom of those kittens caught and fixed back then, and taken three of the five kittens to a rescue in Jefferson.   



It's foggy this morning, but at least its not raining!   That's a big plus.  We've had tremendous amounts of rain.

UPDATE:  I got the three girls out of the cage in Sweet Home.  Cage was big enough for my small traps to go into.   There was a massive size dog barking mere feet away.   I have never ever seen a dog that large before.   I thought maybe a Burmese Mountain dog but she said some other mixes, and I can't recall.   . 

Also, on the way home, while eating lunch in my car, I got a message from a Corvallis woman who is friends with some good friends of mine, offering a home for sweet Petunia, and Peanut too, if the lady who trapped him doesn't take him.   Indoor only home.   She'll be gone for the weekend and will pick up Petunia on Monday or Tuesday.   This is terrific news!   

The first video below is Peanut showing off his shaved hip and barely limping now, a few days after his surgery.  Second video requires the sound on and is of some bald eagles aerial fighting on Seven Mile Lane.  I took this, via dashcam (mounted cell) on the way back from retrieving my big cage yesterday.  On the way to Lebanon, when on Seven Mile, I'd nearly hit one of the eagles as they tussled out on the edge of the road.  This was over the remains of a roadkilled nutria.  I'd seen that nutria dead there two days back.   By the time I was on my way back home, the eagles had taken their fight to the air.  My phone camera is lousy and doesn't zoom much.  I want to one day get a decent camera again.


  1. Sigh. It never ends. And people are the reason it never ends. Huge thanks for all you do.

    1. Well at least three more fixed and getting a home today.

  2. Glad to hear you were able to get the cats out of the cage with minimal drama. Just when you think you've got things settled, another unfixed cat shows up. Did no one ever pay attention to Bob Barker? Spay and neuter, people!

    1. Bob Barker needs to come back from the grave and haunt all these people who don't fix their pets. Scary haunt, you know?

  3. Lots of never-ending hard work, but worth it when you see those sweet faces!

    1. Very sweet kitties, all of them.

  4. I got a bit lost along the way, but just keep going at what you do. It was amazing seeing the eagles.

    1. We have a lot of them in the valley. They come for the sheep and the lambs.

  5. You are a cat whisperer. Such knowledge and caring you have for the cats who need help. Once again, good job!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....