Sunday, December 22, 2024

Off They Go

 Three more Quartzville road cats headed off to a barn home yesterday.   

They spent the night here, in my garage, after I retrieved them from Sweet Home, with a heater going, and very comfortable.  I gave them my most comfortable blankees for the cage they stayed in for the night.  The names they got from the Lebanon woman are lame, but, oh well.  Sissy, Missy and Chuckles.   

Chuckles on the left.  Missy on the right.  Sissy tucked back behind.

I took them up to Salem in two carriers.   I meet the Silverton Cat Rescue Barn placement team in the Walmart parking lot up there.  But yesterday it was filled with motorcycles.  More and more arrived until I had to move farther away, so there'd be a space for the barn cat folks to park beside me.  I don't know what they were all doing there.   There were a couple people dressed as Santas and one with a green grinch costume on.

The barn cat folk arrived and I said goodbye to the girls.   Two more carriers gone, for now.  Two other of my carriers are somewhere with the people who adopted Pebbles and her Siamese boyfriend Prince, from Quartzville.  Two more are with the guy who adopted Chaca and Peter Green.   I should eventually get all six carriers back.

Allegedly today Peanut is leaving, going off with the woman who trapped him up there.  I'm not holding my breath.  She is about the busiest person I've met in a long while.   Tomorrow evening or Tuesday, Petunia will be leaving to her new home.  I think its a perfect match for her.   

That will leave me three wild things in my bathroom from Quartzville waiting for a barn home---Tickle, Thistle and Prissy.  Prissy however is turning tame slowly but surely.   She comes out of hiding when I go in the bathroom, a big tell on how she wants to bond with a human.  And she plays with me, with a wand toy or the laser pointer.

All of them have me well trained.  

I carry little Peanut around in the house.  He likes it.

My cats have nearly destroyed my fake Christmas tree.  They pull off strings of lights in the night.  They make cat toys of my ornaments.  They have broken the locks on the branches so the branches won't flare outward, and instead droop to the ground.  They've even bent the metal pole that holds the branches, although it remains in its stand and upright but only because I've got it tied in three directions.  It's been a few years since I've had such Christmas destruction here.   It's the 7-11 three cats doing most of the destruction--now in their late teen time of life, having a grand old time with that giant cat toy.

The drooped broken branches.  Lights barely holding on.  Ornaments---yeah, where are they?

Darn cats.

Nobody has seen an alive cat in any of the spots where we caught the others, up Quartzville, for a long time.  It may be over with.  R.I.P. to those never caught and likely no longer with us.


  1. Cats train us well.
    No tree here - so no mayhem. Odie in particular would love it. Batty would no doubt try and eat tinsel.
    Thank you. as always, for all the good you do.

    1. Batty would look beautiful in red and silver tinsel. But he would need cat safe edible tinsel.

  2. I have no doubt that you'll MacGyver a way to fix the tree :-)

    1. You know me too well. A plan is being devised in my deviant little brain on a fix for next year. Same tree, but cat destruction proof.

    2. I'm not sure if there's any such thing as a cat-destruction-proof Christmas tree, but if anyone can figure out one, that would be you.

  3. You can't be cross with them for having some spirited fun with your tree. Maybe a new tree next year.

    1. I love the mayhem and their delight with the remains of my tree. Next year, bwah haha, things will be a little different.

  4. It must be hard to name so many cats, so I understand the names you kept of the first three. You did manage to save a bunch of cats, so yea. That's better than nothing. I wonder what the bikers were all up to.

    1. I think the biker gathering was for a kids toy giveaway but I'm not sure on that. They do one in Lebanon I know. It's a big thing here in Oregon--bikers and Christmas and gifts and kids.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....