Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Visit with Old Friend

 I knew I was going, two days before I went.

The weather was to be over 80 degrees, but drop 20 degrees today from that, with maybe rain.

The last great escape!

A chance to enjoy the last nice day!

Off I went to Waldo Lake.

I didn't get going until just before 10:00 a.m. after doing all the cat chores here.

There was no packing or planning to it.  My kayak stuff, like paddle, life jacket---all has been stored in my car all summer.  All I did was tie the kayak in the back and grab the only easy quick food I had--a bag of sunflower seeds, and head out.

I got there about 12:30.   It normally only takes two hours but there was all this road construction wait to deal with.

I put in immediately at the day use area and headed to the south end lagoons and beaches.  I've never seen so many cars in the day use area.   Popular idea, to go to Waldo yesterday.

Burn zone west side

Peaceful still calm waters, south end

I paddled to a beach on the east side, out on a point.  The beach faces south, beached my kayak, laid out my straw mat and took a nap.  After I woke up I waded around in the shallow rocky water up to my waist, staring down into the water to see what I could see.

I finally paddled to the campground day use beach and went swimming.  Sure the water is cold but it was so refreshing.  I stayed in it til my feet started to go a bit numb.   Then, I found a warm dark large rock to crawl onto and start to warm my legs a bit.  At that point, I see what looked like a swimmer in distress, a ways out, although I knew it was shallow where he was.  First I saw his arms straight up in the water, then his head, then he vanished again.  I got into my kayak and quickly paddled out only to realize this guy was having fun.   He had on swim goggles and was diving to the shallow bottom, then he'd come up, head first or feet first.  I told him he swims like a fish.  He just laughed and said he lives for this.  I smiled and said "I do too!"

After that I paddled south along the east shore and finally turned into the day use area boat launch lagoon and reluctantly got out.  A kind young woman helped me get my kayak into the back of my car.  She didn't actually help, she did it all, in one smooth strong motion.   Sometimes I forget what its like to be young and strong like that.   I thanked her.  Because end of day, tired, with slippery sandals that my feet slide in sideways, I can hurt my knee so easily.

The drive home was faster.   Much faster.  Road construction crews were done for the day is why.

So Long Summer!

Today, rain, clouds and 66.


  1. The pictures are just beautiful with the lake and mountains in the background. I understand why you like to go so much.

    1. Not hard to like. And---no motorized boats allowed! I like that in a lake.

  2. I am so glad that you met up with that old and very dear friend again. It looks like a wonderful day.

    1. It was a very great day with my friend.

  3. A great last hurrah to the season.

    1. It sure was. Unless.........dare I wish.

  4. I have a feeling you'll get one more day in, before the cold weather truly sets in for the rest of the year. It sounds like you had a nice day in the water and away.

    1. You are putting words to my thoughts.

  5. I'm so happy whenever you receive much deserved kindness. ~hugs~ I like to spread it, with even mundane words, hoping to defeat this present darkness. Be well, my dear.

    1. Its funny how when I'm in a mood, even a tiny act, like a couple kind words, a smile from someone, really completely changes my attitude and outlook for the rest of the day. I never refuse help loading or unloading the kayak. All my knee injuries in the last few years, I think, have been related to twisting or slipping sideways in my sandals, when doing that. I really need to get sturdy water shoes, that are not too wide. My sandals are too wide, but I have very narrow feet.


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