Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Noise Escape

 Yesterday morning, serious noise in the neighborhood!   

I thought at first it was my freezer again acting up.   It got messed up last week, when I didn't completely close the door.  I defrosted it by unplugging the freezer/frig half the weekend.  I didn't have much food in the freezer compartment at least.   That didn't work completely.  The fan still make a horrible racket when I plugged it back in.

Over the last few days that noise has diminished.  I hope its been able to frost free itself.  Otherwise I have to unplug the thing again, remove the fan cover, and defrost around the fan using a blow dryer.

I drove the three girl kittens Monday morning up to Salem and Meow Village.   I was so happy and relieved to take them to MV foster.  On the way home, I stopped at the rest area to see if by chance I could spot the 4th kitten.  

OMG I did run into the kitten, only by chance.   I'd driven down past the rest area's parking lot towards the river and recreation area parking.  A little car had just pulled up there, parked and two people were out walking---towards the homeless camp area!   I saw something around the woman's neck.  A cat!   I rolled the window down and talked to her.   She had indeed caught the kitten, said it was the only one she could catch by hand.  It now sported a collar, harness and leash.    She is homeless.  I gave her a bag of dry cat food, some cans of wet food and my phone number to call if she needs to give her up, or wants some cat food or to get her spayed.

The kitten briefly crawled off her shoulder in through the window to my lap and I got a photo.

The three 7-11 kittens in my bathroom were really happy to get their space back from the rest area monster girls, I'm sure they called them.  The girls were twice their size and could literally fly in chasing the feather on the end of the wand toy.   

I'm still struggling to tame them adequately to get homes.

Yesterday morning I finally caught Blueberry, one of my old girls,who has mats.   I have several long hair wild things whose hair mats.  I have to catch them at least twice yearly to shave those mats off.  Catching them is the big issue.   But I got Blueberry off guard and got her in my net.  She was not happy and I shaved mats off with my low speed low sound rechargable clipper as fast as I could.   But the battery on it went dead before I could get her completely free of mats.  However, the pile of hair and mats I did get off was impressive@!!!   And I got her flea treated and wormed before she squiggled out of my grasp.   

They don't like being shaved, but feel so good afterwards!  Tough love has to happen at times here.

I'll try to get a photo of her very bad haircut.  Right now, she's not wanting to even show herself to me.  At 13 years of age, she's still fast on her feet.

I started this out talking about the noise in the neighborhood yesterday.  A tree across the street and three houses down toward the corner was being removed.  The tree company had the noisiest chainsaws ever!   I finally cut and ran.  To the lake!

I couldn't take the noise another minute.

I crossed from the boat ramp to Calkins point and considered swimming there, at the point, but it collects all the wind and boat wakes.   I looked north to the far side of the lake where the county park is, then decided to paddle across to the shores west of the county park, towards the other boat ramp, see if there were any beaches free of debris on that side.   

It was windy and very rough with white caps to paddle across but I made it quickly.  I paddled west along the shores there but the debris that was never, is never cleaned up from winter storms, clogged every inch of shoreline.

I went back to Calkins point and around it to a rocky beach, exposed by dropping reservoir levels now, laid out my straw mat and took a nap.

The reservoir will be useless for recreation soon, with water levels dropping.   Not much time left.

Well I got to get going and do some stuff my friend with the broken car cannot do today.  Her truck is in the shop, but her brother needed his car back.  He'd loaned it to her when hers broken down, so she's without transportation.  


  1. I'm glad the 4th kitten has been found. We've had a couple of trees taken down and it is indeed a noisy process. Going the the lake was a smart idea.

  2. Hooray for lake respite.
    And for the kitten having a home.

  3. It seems the kitten is quite tame?

  4. I'm so glad you enjoyed a peaceful time on the water. The view is stunning. How sweet (though not surprising) that this kitty crawled in your lap. ~grin~ I'm glad she has a loving human now. Best wishes on these folks somehow finding homes. It's such a shame. ~shakes head~ Thanks for being so kind to animals and the people who love them. I hope your freezer doesn't give you any more trouble and that your neighborhood stays quiet.

    1. I hope so too, on all accounts. I hope the best for that woman too, who took in the 4th kitten.

  5. I bet that is such a relief to know what happened to that last kitten. And they seem to be taken care of. Yay. Had a cat that we'd shave in the summer. She hated being groomed, but she would preen after she'd been shaved. She looked funny, but long hair in the summer... I bet it felt good to get all that fur gone for a bit.

    1. Yeah, looks like she's taking good care of the kitten, and sure loves her. Yeah, Blueberry hated the process of getting her mats shaved, but afterwards is acting like queen of the world and "look at me".


Back up Quartzville

 The slide that has kept Quartzville road closed since mid December has been cleared now, as of last week.  The slide closed the road at mil...