Sunday, August 04, 2024

Change for the Girls

 The girls were going to go to our local shelter tomorrow, but for quite a hefty fee for relinquishment which was making me nervous.  Also making me nervous is their rather extreme test for whether they are tame enough.   


This afternoon---I got word from Meow Village they would take them all.  I had petitioned for them to take one I was worried might not pass that test at the shelter.  But they will take them all.   This group is composed of a few people I've known for ages.

My friends came shining through!    I was besot with emotions.  Good ones.

Lucky and Happy

The day however was not without its drama.   Not human, but car.  Not mine, but my friends.   I was with her though.

I'd driven to Lebanon and parked at her place.  Then we went on to Waterloo.  She feeds a handful of cats in three places there.  But just before we got there, she gasps and said the check engine light came on.   Then she said another dash light was on.  Then the speedometer quit and so did the gas gauge.   We were just entering the park and she tried her headlights, which killed the car.  She coasted into a parking spot.

I said "this is an electrical problem".  I had her pop the hood and we looked at the battery terminals, which do need cleaned but she had no tools for removing the terminal cables to do that.   A simple volt meter can not only check a battery charge but determine if the alternator is charging it.  

She decided to call the tow company.  She has insurance that includes towing.

I went to feed the cats she feeds.  No small walking endeavor.   While I was up top of the park at another place, she texts that the tow truck has arrived and to hurry it up.   Yikes.  Speed walk, I thought.   I was already hot and tired.  I imagined Olympic crowds along the roadside, cheering me on.   "And here comes Jody the Cat Lady...she looks about to drop.  Can she hold on for the win?"  I sped up, propelling my sandaled feet along faster and faster.  The crowds were cheering louder, chanting "Cat Lady!  Cat Lady!"   I crossed the finish line just as my friend was climbing up into the tow truck.   

The win!   

I felt important riding in the tow truck so high up looking down on everyone.  My friend suggested I wave to people like someone riding on a float in a parade.

The tow truck driver told my friend, after she spouted off what had gone on, that her alternator is probably bad.  

Her brother has loaned her his truck to drive til hers is fixed.

Anyhow, I got my exercise.  I'm back home and in the morning, I take the kittens to their new foster.  The 7-11 kittens, who share the bathroom with the rest area crew, will be happy to have the place back to themselves.  They have been fake horrified over the energy (and friendliness) of the three girls.


  1. Go, Jody, go! Glad the three kittens have found a place. I'm sure they will make it to good homes.

    1. They will. The kittens are great and so is Meow Village.

  2. I am quite amused at Cat Lady's race to the end and just winning.
    Lucky and Happy are very attractive looking cats.

    1. As for cats, these three are highly attractive, both in looks and personality.

  3. Wow! Yet another adventure and wonderful outcomes you've brought to kitties. Hugs, my dear.

    1. Now to finish off taming the 7-11 colony kittens.

  4. Cars... *shakes head*
    At least you got your exercise, and you were able to get out for a bit. It appears things are going pretty well.

    1. Yup and I do need the exercise.

  5. WONDERFUL news despite the car drama.

    1. Car drama is painful for the person who owns the car, that's for sure, but she's lucky to have a brother willing to loan one of his to her.

  6. What good motivation to pretend you in an Olympic event :-)

    1. I have a vivid imagination too which helps.


Back up Quartzville

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