Monday, August 12, 2024

No Camping

 The supported homeless campsite, Marvins Gardens, in our town is being disbanded.

Not only is this now allowed due to the recent Supreme Court Ruling, but support workers for the camp said they could not safely enter the camp due to the drug use, with dirty needles everywhere, and level of violence going on in the small camp.

I've been afraid to drive by it sometimes.  Gangs of people out in the street, some yelling, garbage everywhere.  Community service officers have had to clean up after the folks living there.  Despite being provided a dumpster for trash and porta potties, every day it is a trashed out mess.

Trapping near there and near another overflowing shelter where people do drugs openly and half the night, was scary.  I was very happy I caught the mom and her two kittens fast and could get out of there before midnight.

Disbanding Marvins Gardens won't solve the issue.  The folks there are folks who can't get into the other two shelters that require they first be not doing drugs.   Drugs are a scourge around here, like everywhere.   

The two bigger shelters cater to folks who want out of homelessness and drug use.    

Anyhow, there's no known solution for those homeless due to alcohol and drug use and who don't want out of that lifestyle.   Many have fried their brains on drugs.  They don't make good neighbors, renters or roommates.

People have to juggle their outrage that these folks do nothing but create problems and, people feel, are undeserving of large cash outlays to house somehow.   However, if nothing is done, they ruin towns and cities and parks, making life hard on everyone else.  What to do?  I have no clue.

I'm not camping either.   I admit, camping at some of the expensive state and county parks can seem like voluntarily joining a party it up homeless camp.   But the farther out cheaper forest service and BLM campgrounds are generally not so bad. Also the fire restrictions mean the Rv people's loud generators cannot be operated unless on the bed of a truck.   I was going to go, for three nights, found a petsitter finally, but then Starr began her downturn last night.  Starr is very elderly, caught a cold, has likely kidney failure and is very feral.   I also have 7-11 colony kittens in the bathroom, its just too much, overwhelming really, to even think about leaving for three nights.

The finances are shaky also, even with a Golden Eagle forest service pass, that half prices FS campsites.  That price, the gas, the petsitter, getting some food, ice for the ice chest, that would set me back.  I know these costs sound trivial to most people.  I'm always on the brink these days, with high utility rates, food prices.   Doesn't take much to be too much.

Slinko, my old asshat boy, one of my only two tame cats left, (the other being neighbor cat Gigi) is going downhill.   He's lost a lot of weight in the last year.   He can't be examined, since he's only tame to me, leaving few options.    Anesthesia to be examined at his age?   Would probably kill him.  It's the price we pay when living with a feral colony that we love like they were cozy pampered tamies.  They can't go see the vet until the very end and taking them to the vet for euthanasia terrifies them.

I would like nothing more than to load my kayak on the pool noodle car rack I made, a few items of camp gear and be gone, not for three days but two weeks, but its not going to happen this summer.

No Camping.


  1. Sorry to hear that two of your feline friends are declining.

  2. Hugs, my dear. I don't know what else to add.

  3. I'm sorry. It sucks when events are stacked against you. Perhaps sooner rather than later things will clear up and you'll be able to get away. It's nice to get out, just for a couple days. It resets things. Sending good thoughts to your kitties.

    1. Nah, its more than just Starr's issues, I can't afford to go camping.

  4. I am so very sorry. Hugs.

    1. I've been holding Starr in a net everyday to give her sub cu fluids and antibiotics for the URI and so far she's still alive and kicking.

  5. There is no politically acceptable solution to the homeless epidemic. It will eventually lead to a politically unacceptable attempt at one. Sad. Sickening.

    1. I'm sure it will. All homeless are often grouped as one, too, when there are many different reasons people end up homeless, addiction being only one. The others include roommates splitting, for some reason, who were sharing expenses, then none of them can afford housing alone. Same with couples who split, one often ends up homeless, sometimes both. Seniors end up homeless now, on fixed income, unable to afford the massive increases in either rent or other housing costs, on SS. I have nice terrors over this one, with the city now contemplating another add on rate to power bills, already have one added to the water bill....It's all ridiculous, to try to afford to survive.

  6. Drug addition has ruined so many things. I don't know the answer, either. I hope that are some innovative people out there who have some ideas to help.

    1. Drugs are a scourge and turn people into the living dead. I called meth addicts zombies, because they'd come out of their hideouts at night, wearing sunglasses. But the current addicts, the fentanyl freaks, they're different than meth heads, sadder in many ways.


Back up Quartzville

 The slide that has kept Quartzville road closed since mid December has been cleared now, as of last week.  The slide closed the road at mil...