Sunday, July 07, 2024

That Darn Sun

 I don't mind the heat as much as I worry about the animals and birds and my own old cats.

But once I've done what I can do, to keep them comfortable, there's nothing else I can do.

Yesterday I watched a move called A Day and a Half.   It was nothing like I expected it to be.  Tears streamed down my face quite a lot while watching it.  I thought it was very good.  Found it on netflix.

I've read a few books--two my neighbor loaned me, both pretty good.  The last one, The Woman in the Window, I'd seen as a movie years back so I knew how it ended but the book was far better.

The temps go up to about 103 to 104 out back yesterday, according to my thermometer.  It hangs under the eaves by my backdoor.  

Today will be about the same, hotter tomorrow and Tuesday before we get a break from it on Wednesday, when it drops to low 90's.

My only worry, and the reason I don't take off for the mountains, is if the power fails.   That happens sometimes during excessive use in heat waves.  I've got old kitties here.  Gotta watch over them.

When this breaks though, I"m heading out for a couple days at least.

Yesterday morning, I went to Harbor Freight and got two silver reflective tarps.   I then put them up over two spots in the cat yard, to give the cats some shade.  They love the cover!   I took breaks because it was over 90 by noon, so I couldn't work at putting them up, using a ladder I moved around, and zip ties to fasten the edges down, too long at a time.  I love Harbor Freight to get things like these tarps at a very reasonable price. (and zip ties too).  I just wanted spots of shade for them.  

I want to get a couple of the small plastic dog pools too.   I can put water in them on hot days and use them as litter boxes, when I leave for a couple days.  I should have gotten two of them earlier, when they were everywhere.  Now finding the small ones isn't that easy.

Little black manx kitten from the berry vines of Sweet Home behind the former 7-11 colony location, is doing so well with my friends.  She's just darling, and at just seven weeks of age, is zipping around their place chasing toys or the laser pointer, having a blast!   They LOVE her.    Her new name is Black Betty (from the song).

The tenants in the apartments have caught only one more of the five kittens, another girl, but are keeping her, I think (awesome for her because she loves them already).  They can't trap or even try to catch the other three, in this heat. 

All things come to an end.  This heat wave will be no exception.   Unless we're caught up in some end of the world sun splits in half and hurtles our way universe collapses on itself deadly gases fill atmosphere, volcanic eruptions break out all along the Pacific rim of fire sort of thing.  You know?  Have I been watching too many disaster movies?


  1. You are such a great caregiver to brave a ladder; I don't like them. lol How wonderful to have kitties finding great homes. :D Be safe in this heat. Hugs, my dear.

    1. Seems I'm up a ladder a lot for various reasons. Black Betty switched out like a light switch from feral to "oh my gawd---toys! Soft bed! Lots of food! Cuddles! And more toys!"

  2. Putting up a reflector top was such a good idea. Speaking of animals, you've reminded me that I need to go put some ice cubes in the bird bath. We're not over 100, but we've been well into the 90s for days now.

    1. Don't you get humidity to add to that heat misery? I'm not sure where you live.

    2. I live in the Mid Atlantic and we get plenty of humidity with the heat. The air is thick with it.

  3. I hope your power stays on. For you and your furry family. Love that two of the kittns from the berry vines have homes.

    1. So far so good, with the power staying on. Was in my little pool half the day today.

  4. That's a great way to create some shade. It's all you can do at this point, really. I hope the cool down happens sooner rather than later.

    1. We only have two more days of it. Piece of cake.

  5. So far we haven't got up in triple digit. My son in Medford. Had 113.

    1. It's been bad here in Oregon, this heat. It's killing things, crops are suffering, animals and at least four have died from heat stroke. Probably more.


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