Friday, July 19, 2024

Oregon is on Fire

 There are fires all over the place now in Oregon.   

A lot of cherished spots are being closed as a result.

The  PCT is affected by a fire down near Diamond Lake (which is also near Crater Lake).   This fire has closed the PCT and many other trails.  (PCT stands for Pacific  Crest Trail).

There is a very large fire near Vale in eastern Oregon, called the Cow Creek fire.

There are a few small fires in our county, most just east of Sweet Home.   One just east of Green Peter Reservoir just closed off a large area with evac level 3 notices, but there are no homes in the evac 3 boundary area.  The sheriff just doesn't want hikers and off roaders and campers out there causing more fires and interfering with fire crews.

We may have more lightning this weekend, which might cause even more fires.

I have the three 7-11 colony kittens in my bathroom still.  I can't find any adoption groups with space for them.   Everyone is crazy full and fed up with the people who don't fix their pets and cause the problems.  It's ridiculous.

I hold them as much as I can.   Today I gave them a first 3-way vaccine each.  I usually would have done that much sooner.  Lazy, I guess.   They're wormed and flea treated.  They're also big enough to be fixed, if only I could find somewhere for that to be done that isn't deadly expensive.

So with them in my bathroom I can't go off camping.  It's really weighed me down to know I can't go.   My own fault for getting involved up there with that losing situation.   

They are starting to come out of their shells just a little.  Too bad that tenant didn't catch them when they were younger, would have been lots easier.   

These are the two boys.   Haven't even named them yet.   The black boy has a white chest spot and white on his belly.   The girl is all black except for a single white chest spot.

Anyway, hope the wildfire crews get the fires out fast.  They're usually pretty quick at it.

There's already also a cyanotoxin alert for the entirity of the North Santiam River clear up to Detroit Lake.   In 2018 this happened and Salem's water was deemed unsafe to drink as a result but since then, they built a better water treatment facility that is capable of killing off cyanotoxins (an algae).  They  don't close off recreation as a result of toxic algae, just put out alerts and people can decide whether to risk themselves and their dogs or not.   Very few waterways are ever tested.


  1. I do hope the fires can be put out. And fast. And that you find somewhere for those cute kittens.

    1. I'm hoping so also, but there are just so many. We may get lightning tonight again, which is the worst for fire season.

  2. I take it from what you said is that young kittens are much easier to tame and humanise than older kittens.

    1. Much easierl when they're caught around five or six weeks Andrew. The first two were caught by the tenants and then only about 5 weeks old. These last ones are 8 or more weeks old, making it a slog to earn their trust and get them totally tame. Retrospect, given the fact they're hard to tame at this age and nobody is taking kittens, I should have left them there, let the tenants who are feeding but not fixing deal with it. I went immediately when I found out the tenants had given up trapping after catching the two, hoping they'd be young enough, tame fast, but kind of knew they wouldn't be.

  3. Is you air smoky? Maybe when the kittens find a placement and the fires die down you can have a camping trip.

    1. Nope, no smoke in the air, which is different and wonderful, we've had so many summers lately where the air is clogged in smoke for so long.

  4. Oh, I hope the fires are soon under control and you find a place for these precious kitties. Hugs, my dear.

    1. Yes I hope I can find them somewhere too, good homes! Thank you Darla, for your hopes for me.

  5. Lovely photos of lovely kittens.

    Eugene has had two fires this week just to the west of town, the first of which led to the evacuation of Greenhill, Eugene's largest animal shelter. They got all 138 animals out in 30 minutes.

    I'm sorry you can't go camping, dear Strayer.

    1. I heard about the one on Greenhill road. Thank goodness they got that put out and it didn't affect the shelter. I hope you're doing ok, Snowbrush. I'll get off for a night here somewhere. It's easy for me to just put a few things in the car and go, even last minute.

    2. Thank you Snow for understanding I have a need to get out and away now and then.

    3. "I hope you're doing ok, Snowbrush."

      Thank you for asking, my beloved friend. Peggy and I are painting our house (I used to be a painter). The work isn't easy for people in their 70s--or for a man who lives in pain--and the heat is making it worse. I'm glad we're able to do it though, and I am pleased that despite a tremor, I'm still able to cut to a line.

      Then at night, I get to read about the Battle of Vicksburg. I was very glad to be able to devote my last post to a post to a woman who was there.

  6. So sorry to hear about the wildfires. Very cute kittens!

    1. Aren't they all cute? Mostly at least.

  7. Cute kitties. Sorry about all the fires. This time of year is brutal for that (nowadays). Hopefully you'll be able to do some camping once you get a few things sorted.

    1. Yes and we've had about the hottest July ever I think. Usually our heat hits in August here. I hope I get to go camping later on. I can go for one night though, even with kittens.

  8. It little smoky here.
    I thought of giving my son a call or text in Medford and see how things are.

    1. Do you have fires near you? I didn't see any smoke in the sky at the lake, despite there being two fires not that far from the lake, out in the forests.



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