Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Interesting Weather

 Yesterday was another scorcher, near 100 degrees.  

Then the power went out.    Yuk.   I guess about 2600 to 3000 customers were without power.

I was lucky to be one of them.   Just kidding.

The power going out here is not unusual sorry to say.  But it is rather uncomfortable when its as hot as it was.

I think it was about 9:00 p.m. it came back on.   It was just before total darkness and I was thinking I should either go to bed or get the lantern.

I don't really mind the power out.  Its nice and quiet.   Except the guy behind me and one house over roared up a generator.  That wasn't so nice and quiet.

There was a magnificent sunset too and the wind came up crazy.   I guess there was lightning some places, maybe here, but I did go to bed and missed it if the thunderstorm (dry) came over my place.

I had gone early up to Sweet Home to try for adults where I caught the kittens, but the adults are so trap shy and I can't get anyone to stop feeding long enough.   I gave the responsibility over to the former 7-11 manager, who lives there, but I don't think she understands or listened to me she should tie open her trap and feed in it first, to get them used to going in and out, then use a bottle and string to spring it.  I don't think she's that dedicated to it.  She could do that since she lives right there and feeds them.

The little boy rumpy manx kitten apparently has manx syndrome, no tone to his rectum, I don't know if he will survive long.  He spent the day at the vets yesterday, according to KKR, who had taken him same day I caught him.  I know he was badly impacted with stool.   So its rather imperative to stop the 3 adults there from breeding further and spreading those deadly manx genes.

I am very grateful to KKR for taking him on.  

Our weather is just not normal anymore.  We've been over 90 for a long time although today might be under that.    

Seems like its always something extreme in the summer now.

Old Starr is still hanging on, was laid out in the heat when the power was out yesterday and seemed to enjoy the add warmth in the house.

Vino, by the way, is almost over his cold, without medical intervention.  I'm happy about that one, for sure.  He's really wild.

They were all laid out yesterday, in the heat.  Fantasia up top, one of the original quirky sisters, Rogue and Cougie on the bottom.

Today is starting out cool, for a change, still not 70 degrees, and cloudy.  


  1. I'm so sorry for that poor little baby. :( That's good news about Vino and your cooler weather. Hugs, my dear.

    1. I know, poor little guy, paying the price for those passed on bad genes. I'm happy Vino is so much better and fast too.

    2. I've seen two disheartening signs posted around town of late; one offering Corgi puppies for sale and just today folks selling Persian kittens. Don't buy, stupid people, adopt! Grrr... I hope you are doing well, my dear.

  2. It seems like the heat never lets up here - lots of days with feels like 100+. Hot, humid weather in the summer is not unusual for here, but it is unusual for it to be so hot for so long. Last night we had a thunderstorm with measurable rain. That was a welcome relief. However, today, it's HOT again.
    I'm happy to hear that VIno is getting better.

    1. Next week I see is back to mid 80's, after a 90 plus degree weekend. So am looking forward to that. Maybe I'll go camp a night.

  3. Yet another reason to be grateful to the important work you do. I am so glad that Vino is better though. Stay as cool as you can.

    1. It may really cool down next week, into 70's, they're not sure yet and so far saying mid 80's.

  4. Hopefully those adults can be caught so no other kittens are born with that condition. But you can only do what you can do. Sorry about the heat. You'd think those in power would take global warming more seriously now, but alas...

    1. I think its a whole lot easier for the politicians to practise denial because its easier to get votes when you say its all a hoax and even to get donations from the big industries who want to stay the same. My older brother says its all too late anyhow and he's probably right.

  5. As climate scientists tell us, the weather will become more extreme as the planet heats up, including cooler and wetter in some areas.

    1. Good thing we're older, Andrew, we won't see the results of our generation and the generations before us lolly gagging on it.

  6. However bad it may bet in Oregon, Texas is worse.



 We have had soo much rain the last few days. Came down in buckets.    I spent the weekend sleeping off last week.   Strange dreams too. In ...