Saturday, July 20, 2024

Lake Day

 I set my alarm and got up early.   I decided to go to the lake today.

I left at 9:00 a.m. which is early considering all the  cat chores I have to do first.

Alas, I still did not get one of the coveted five single car spots near the boat ramp but I got one out by the road.

I felt elated to get one of those three single car spots.

The lake was a zoo.  Motor boats everywhere.  Paddle boarders, kayakers, Lewis Creek park was jammed with people.    Usually I might not like such a scene but today I loved it.

It was fun.   People from all walks of life, every age, every color, families, couples, groups, some fishing, some swimming, some motor boating or being pulled behind motor boats, jet skiers, and us kayakers and paddle boarders---all having a good day.

I just drifted along the side of the point across from Calkins, far side of it, looking at all the interesting things.   I found two fishing bobbers, with line attached.  I always clean up fishing garbage I find, because I feel for the birds that get tangled in it.  Besides, I make cat toys from those bobbers I find. 

These strings of lichen or moss look decorative and caught my attention.

There was weed growing almost everywhere under the water along the shores I paddled.  I reached down and pulled some up but it just look like grass to me.

I paddled over to a beach beyond Lewis Creek county park, got out, ate some trail mix, then laid out my straw mat and fell sound asleep very quickly.   I had my hat across my face to block the sun.  When I woke up I went for a swim.  Then I got back in my kayak and continued on down under the second bridge and on to Sunnyside.  The boat ramp was too busy for me to pull out my kayak there, so I found a branch along a steep bank and tied the kayak up to that.  Then I plunged into the water and swam to the boat ramp and walked up it.  I was looking for the former Waterloo camp hosts, to say hello.  I hadn't seen them since they were moved to Sunnyside.  It costs to go into Sunnyside.  I thought it was $7 but he said its now $9.  Yikes.   So the only affordable way to visit them is by water.

He was feeding peanuts to the squirrels, just like my brother does.  His wife has health issues.   We chatted awhile.  They're moving back home, to Kentucky, in September.   It was nice to see him.

I jumped off the boat ramp dock to swim back to my kayak.  I completely forgot I had my sunglasses and hat on.   Fortunately, they stayed put and I didn't have to dive for them.

I then got in my kayak and paddled across the middle Santiam, to start the return to Calkins boat ramp.  Sunnyside campground is on the Middle Santiam side of Foster and Calkins boat ramp is near the input of the South Santiam.  

  I saw what looked like maybe an upside down boat at the bottom.  I paddled backwards to get a better look and realized it was some kind of slime growth.   Then I realized it was also neon green and glows.  Yikes!  Looked like an alien.

The lakes are too warm, from this very hot July, and growing algae, some of it cyanotoxin.

The motor boat and jet ski wakes were huge as I struggled to paddle against the wind and through large waves and chop to get back to the boat ramp where my car was parked.

It was a workout.  I got my exercise in.

Back at Calkins, there were lots of boats trying to load or put in.  I just waited until there was an opening, to get my kayak out, loaded into the back of my car, which is easy, and came home---worn out.  

I had a great time!   


  1. I am so glad that you got an excellent lake day - and some socialising too. Not surprised you were a tired puppy at the end of the day though.

    1. It was very enjoyable. I left at 9:00 and didn't get back til after 5:00. I was only going to go for the morning, but enjoyed myself so much I stayed on and on.

  2. Even for us hermits, there are times when a lot of happy people seems just right.

    1. You're right. I was surprised at myself, for enjoying such a rowdy noisy busy day there. I realized I've lacked social involvement for weeks and this was like a giant party that I needed no invitation to join. It was fun watching young kids and young people do their young folk exuberant thing, playing music, jumping off rocks, swimming. It was enjoyable to see families and big groups picnicing together, laughing...anyhow, I did enjoy myself immensely.

    2. I can totally relate. :D Your enjoyment makes me happy. Be well!

  3. Such fun on the lake, with lots of interest. The photos are great. Aside from the normal cat jobs, the day was full of self indulgence and that's not a bad thing.

    1. It was not a bad thing. There are always things to interest me along the shorelines, like the string moss, which I still need to look up and that bizarre looking algae under the water.

  4. What a full, fun day. I bet you slept well that night.

    1. You're not kidding I slept well and will probably sleep more today.

  5. It sounds like a great day.

  6. The moss hanging in strings is Spanish Moss I found out.

  7. I'm so glad you were able to get out and on the water. I know you've been wanting to. It sounds like it was a lovely day.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....