Sunday, July 21, 2024

Heartbreak Hotel

 I checked into the heartbreak hotel this morning.

I get texts from two different residents of a Lebanon apartment complex.  Where I've been so many times, to get cats fixed, or sit for hours upon hours catching cats.   The most recent was Amber, that little torbi 8 month old, left behind pregnant when someone moved, still sporting an indentation from where she once had a collar.

She's now with a friend in Portland.  Living a good life, for a change.

When was that, a month ago?  Two months?

They'd found a single starving tiny kitten, the tenants, chased it around yesterday to catch it, in 100 degree heat.  Now it was dying, they said, come quick.

The kitten seemed in last throes, arching its back, unbelievably dehydrated and skinny.  Would it even survive the drive back home, I thought.

I was a wreck immediately.   How could you chase a compromised kitten around on a 100 degree day, I wanted to yell, but they were trying to help.

Anyhow, I gave it sub cu fluids in record time.  On the way home, I was already planning out the steps I would take the moment I pulled into my driveway, if the kitten survived to get home.

20 cc right off, then corn syrup on the gums, hand warmers in socks, to warm that little dehydrated body up.  Two hours later, 10 more cc's of sub cu fluids, plus nutrical.  Nutrical every two hours after, all day then.  Sneaking to look in the carrier, see if he was still breathing.  Cleaning his little face with a damp cloth.   

He's still alive.   If he's alive in the morning, I'll take him to the vet.   I fear a vet will just want to euthanzie him because he's so frail.   Maybe that's what is best.   Here he is when I first pulled him out of the carrier once home and had just given him fluids.  No longer back arching in last throes at least.  The second video shows him trying to walk a few minutes after getting fluids.  Fluids can work magic, at least initially.

So I let most things go today.  Up and down, up and down, see if he's still breathing, is he warm enough.  Oh brother, what is wrong with me.   There are millions of kittens in such shape out there, dying, suffering unnoticed, all because someone got a cat somewhere and never fixed that cat.  

I don't like that Biden is leaving the race this way.  If the democrats wanted him out, it should have been done before the election process started.  It was quite evident then that he was starting to get a little frail and forgetful.  Nothing like the word salad and classless lies of the other old man running however.  What must other countries think of what America has become.   What will America become? 

 Joe Biden showed class, character--even when Trump got that ear scratch from a bullet fired by a little wannabe big man.  He called him to wish him well.   And on the other hand.....the other old man running, well he has yet to show any class.   

Heartbreak Hotel, but not over politics or politicians, over a more deserving little life.

Little black kitten died at some point between 11:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.


  1. I do hope you can save that deserving little life. Sadly even if you can't, it will have had a gentle few hours.

    1. He did have some gentle hours and he passed on. I knew he would.

  2. You can't save every cat, but you may save one kitten.
    What a nasty man #45 is, the way he spoke about Biden, after Biden was so magnanimousness.
    Sometimes I wonder if we are watching the slow decay of a once great nation.

    1. Classless, nasty, without character. Little black kitten died in the night.

  3. Thank you for giving that kitten a few hours of love.

  4. It can be cruel world we live in. But I'm afraid if Trump get in it could even be curler.

  5. You gave that kitten comfort during his last hours on earth. Thank you.

  6. I'm so sorry about the kitten. That's terrible. People can be so cruel, but at least you tried.

    Everyone is lining up behind Harris. I am beyond pissed at everyone who hammered at Biden to drop out of the race. But at least now they're getting on board with Harris in a unity I don't think I've ever witnessed from the Dems. Take a look at the donations to her campaign. All the endorsements. And the GOP is flailing. This might be a masterstroke.

  7. I'm so sorry this little guy passed away. Like L&L, I want to thank you.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...