Friday, June 14, 2024

The Stark Contrast

 I try to stay out of politics.   I have friends on both sides is the reason.  

I'm not into fan mentality.    Choose a side and go with that side thick and thin, right or wrong, blind allegiance.   For gosh sakes its like these fanatic soccor or football fans who form gangs to oppose the other side's fans.  To me, such folk seem like a bunch of rebellious teens, who just like to fight or like to join a cause, any cause is ok, to have friends.

A lot of churches are politicized now too.   

But the trial of Trump for whatever it was this time, the Stormy Daniels hush money thing, a case I didn't get into or understand or even want to understand, and the trial of Hunter Biden for buying a gun while using drugs, provided a stark contrast.

Trump whined and slammed the judge, the prosecutor, the jurors, everyone involved and got his feet licking spineless cronies to join him because you can't oppose Trump, for gosh sakes, or he'll come after you.  I've never seen the like of the Trump true believers in politics and their lack of courage.

Hunter Biden's trial was completely different.  The jurors didn't fear for their lives.   Nobody was slamming the judge or the prosecutor or the justice system.  And his family was there to support him, hug him afterwards, but President Biden is not going to pardon him or commute his sentence and declared his faith in the justice system.   

Stark contrast. 

I vote for a variety of candidates.   I like to see candidates who understand deeply where that money they're spending comes from and use every taxpayer penny to make Oregon better with that in mind, thinking of all those hard working people who made that money.  

Election years drive me nuts anyway.  All those millions spent, on ads that are often distasteful and dishonest, its like burning good money that could be used to make things better.  Yeah, it makes me crazy.   Especially when my mailbox starts filling with fancy full color election slicks.   Gosh darn that riles me up.   So much so I get twisted and use those election slicks to line cat traps.

Here, in my little world, the night happenings intrigue me.  So I set up my game cam to see what's going on and who's out and about.  Last night it was mainly neighbor's cats and one fat young possum.

Also I'm pretty tired of homeless people "losing" their cats in parks and then just leaving them, claiming then the cat has chosen to be feral, as justification in their minds.  This is extremely common, especially among car and RV homeless campers.


  1. Election slicks never make it into the house. I go to the mailroom, and there's a trash can right there. :) It's the TV ads that make me crazy. We have mail in voting here now (like you've all had for ages), so I've likely sent in my ballot a week or so ahead. I wish I could opt out of the ads once my ballot is in.

    1. I hate the ads too, they're so phoney and they get some creepy voiceover to talk lies about another candidate and put the other candidates photo in black and white looking all scary and degenerate. I wish ads had to be truthful or the ad maker pays a HUGE fine.

  2. I think that lining cat traps (or kitty litter trays) with election leaflets is an EXCELLENT use for them.

    1. LOL, because I laugh maniacally when doing it, and I wonder sometimes if I'm super messed up.

  3. I have one friend who didn't vote for someone because he flooded her mailbox with those slick ads. :)

    1. Awesome. Your friend sounds like my kind of people!

  4. I should get an outdoor camera.

    1. I bet you'd have fun with it. I sure do.


Fall Colors?

 I've laxed in taking fall color photos this year.   I don't know why.   Last night, coming home, I thought I better get something a...