Saturday, June 15, 2024

Today's Adventure

 Today my tiny outing was when the neighbor wanted to know if I'd like to ride down to the Strawberry Farm with her.  She wanted to get strawberries.   Sure, I said.

I already had another quarter flat from there I got a couple days ago.  Hands down the best strawberry farm in these parts.

But she didn't realize she'd have to pay cash when we got there.  I loaned her the bucks for her berries.   

Then she wanted to look at three Corvallis trailer parks.  I lived over there a lot of years and knew all three and could already tell her which one was better than the other two.  I've trapped cats in all three, of course.

But we toured them anyhow, then came back through Adair.    I said "how about we ride across the river on the ferry?"  She had no idea there are ferries across the Willamette.  So we drove to the Buena Vista ferry and took it across the Willamette.  $3 for a passenger car.  Up from $2.  Lol.

This is the ferry coming towards us from the east bank.

Then we were headed the two lane back to the freeway through Talbot and suddenly see a black lab in the middle of the road.  It's like he was trying to stop a car or get hit.  So we slowed and pulled off and debated what to do and finally since he didn't want to ride in the car, we just drove super slow cause he wasn't very bright about cars and their dangers.  He followed her car or ran along side it.   Like this was a practised hobby.   About half mile down the road was a little house.  We stopped and I went to the door, black lab following me, and I knocked.  Guy comes to the door and I say "this dog has been following our car.  Is he yours or maybe a neighbors?"   Yeah, it was a neighbors.  I asked him to hang onto the dog while we pulled away so he wouldn't be following us and he did.

Then we were shortly back home again.  

That was it.  Today's little adventure.


  1. At some future time you will remember it as being a very good day.

    1. It was a good day, I thought. Fun!

  2. Thank you for saving the lab. And hooray for fresh berries.

  3. That sounds like a fun day, although I would have been disturbed about the dog. Cats aren't the only pets that people don't take care of like they should.

    1. This is the second bored dog I've found on a rural road, owned nearby but out looking to make some fun friends by intercepting cars. I really loved the first one, Chloe and think about her, wish I could go play with her or borrow her for some fun half a day.

  4. Those are the best kind of adventures.

    1. Yes they are, the spur of the moment ones. Like Andrew on his blog did the other day.

  5. My husband youngest brother and I have cousin that lives in Corvallis.

  6. That sounds like a delightful day! That's nice that there are strawberries available. The only ones we can currently find come from the grocery store, though they're not bad. You did good finding someone to help get that thrill seeking l dog safely home. I had a similar experience when a big, beautiful pup walked right in front of my car, causing me to slam on the brakes. With nowhere to pull over on that narrow road I can only hope nobody hit the animal.


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