Monday, May 13, 2024


 Sunday I was so slow getting going after the late night Saturday.

But after cleaning litterboxes, giving KMR to kittens, feeding the ferals in the garage, etc, I hit the road.  But, still didn't get down to Pioneer Villa, mainly to go after kittens, until late morning.   

After a couple hours, I had only caught one.  A little sweetie.

But I kept at it.   The fixed calico, one of the two moms caring for this batch, that included the brown tabby boy I'd trapped night before, kept circling, wanting wet food, which I'd give her.  I wanted to nap more than anything.

The day wasn't as hot as Saturday but it was hot enough, into mid 80's.

After so long, mid afternoon, I caught one Siamese mix kitten, then, suprisingly, two more.  I had thought there were only two Siamese mix kittens.

The little sweetheart.....

I finally left a trap set by the mobile, for a ninth adult after Silverton Cat Rescue told me they'd take the mom of the tiny ones and get her fixed after the kittens were weaned.  I had 8 adults for 8 spots but she was one of them.  So I could trap another adult.  I left a kitten trap set for the remaining two kittens and drove home.

Once home I did mad cleanup here and gave the ferals waiting in traps, food, water.   I headed back down about 6:00 p.m.  No kittens in the kitten trap but there was a big gray male, Church, in the trap by the mobile.  The feeder lady named him Church after a pet cemetery "character".

I put out a lot of food, for the calico mom and the two (I think) kittens who still need caught.

This morning, I was worried I couldn't get it all done to get all 8 ferals labeled and into the car, and the mom and all the kittens rounded up in my bathroom but I did!    Silverton Cat Rescue took the 8 kittens and the young orange tabby mom of three of them.   And home I came.  Except for now I have to go pick up the 8 from the clinic, whom I will return to tomorrow.


  1. You made tired just reading about your day!

  2. That's quite a lot of cats over a couple of days. Be pleased with yourself.

    1. Yes, a lot of cats and there are a lot more there needing caught, fixed, probably other litters of kittens too.

  3. You must be exhausted. But well done. Again. You do such good work.

    1. Yes I am. Last night was tough. stress over whether I'd be able to get them all loaded up this morning, and just pain too, from my back, shoulder, etc.

  4. That's quite the haul. You did get all the kittens? It sounds like you did.

    1. No, I didn't. At least two left, a calico and a black and white. I tried to get workers to catch them today, but I don't think anyone has the time, or desire.

  5. Again, thanks for what you do--- and thanks for your nice words on my post.

    1. Thanks! I love what you do, also.

  6. What precious little faces. We dote on our grown girls, though, relishing how they change over the years. :D By the way, "Pet Sematary" is an excellent movie except Church (aka Winston Churchill) had an ill fate. It's key to remember its just a movie. lol But if you can and wish to watch, choose the 1989 version. The remake is crap. ~nods~ Be well, my dear.

    1. I watched it originally, the 89 version, but haven't in a long time. I can do that, remember its just a movie. Kujo scared me to death way back when, that movie.

  7. They are all little sweeties!


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...