Monday, May 13, 2024

Fun Times at Pioneer Villa

 It did have to be the hottest days of the year Saturday and Sunday, when tasked with catching, not five but eight adults at Pioneer Villa, to be fixed today.   88 degrees Saturday.  Only a bit cooler yesterday.

After coming home Saturday with one adult female, Itty Bitty, the muted torti, and watching the learn to burn, I got in my pool for a couple hours.   Only my floatie tube deflated.  It's got leaks.   I'll find and repair them one of these days.

I went back down to Pioneer Villa evening and immediately caught the orange tabby mom cat, on the mobile porch.  There was still slight smoldering from the burned down mobile behind.  It was plain gone, by now, consumed in the burn to learn.


After catching the mom cat, I waded through berry vines and trash, to get to her three babies and put them in a carrier in the car.   I would now have to manage them in the heat, still high, while catching others.

I set traps there at the mobile, where a lot of males hang out, and went back over to near the motel, to try for the Siamese mom and maybe some of the Siamese and calico's kittens.  The calico was already trap happy, no fear of the traps and would go in and get caught over and over.  She likes wet food but had been fixed last Friday.

However, I caught the Siamese mom fast and first this time.  

I then caught the other two girls out front area.  I first caught the torbi tux and then Poppy, the charismatic long hair young orange and white girl.


Manager said she had kittens awhile back but they all died.  She carried them around dead, heartbroken.  They had to trick her to finally get the last dead kitten away from her.


I also caught a brown tabby big male and two more orange and white males near the mobile.   I went back to where the Siamese and calico kittens hang out and caught one brown tabby boy kitten.




With 8 adults now, plus four kittens, I went home.   It was 11:30 p.m.  I drove up 7 Mile, which has a clear view north, hoping to see northern lights.  Lots of other people had the same idea, and were parked in pullouts along the two lane road too.   I found a place I could pull out and waited and watched.  I took pictures with my cell phone hoping if my eyes couldn't see them, my camera could.  But nothing.

I drove on home and set up the cats and was in bed about 1:00 a.m.

That was Saturday.   I'll just say I've got to get moving, to get 8 adults to the clinic and hand off 8 kittens plus orange mom to Silverton cat rescue.   


  1. Wow. That was big day for trapping! Good work, as always. It was cloudy and raining here, so no Northern Lights, either. Even though I did get up a couple of times during the night to see if the sky had cleared any. No luck with that.

    1. We had such clear perfect skies but alas, in town here, Friday night, I went to bed too early and didn't realize I'd have to take photos with my phone to actually see them. Then Saturday night, clear again, but bright moon and nothing. I heard they were not as strong Saturday night.

  2. Poor Poppy. At least she won't go through that grief again. You had a busy and very productive day. You must be v tired - with yet more work to do. Thank you.

    1. She was pregnant again, at spay. So were two others. One was both lactating and pregnant.

  3. That's quite the haul. Sad about the mom cat with dead kittens. At least now she won't have to suffer that heartbreak again.

    1. Well, she kind of did today, as she was pregnant at spay. Not very pregnant thankfully. Hasn't been very long since she had the litter who all immediately died. She's pretty much still a teenager too.

  4. Oh, poor mama kitties. Thanks for giving them a better future.

    I, too, missed the light show due to giving up too soon. ~sigh~ A neighbor fellow told me all about it. Oh, well. Again, it's a first world problem. lol

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that our fire fighters and police officers are all very nice and competent. :D Blessings, my dear.

    1. Well I was out late enough Saturday night but I guess the show wasn't up to grade to see here then. I tried again Sunday night but nothing again. Yeah, first world troubles.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...