Saturday, May 11, 2024

Kittens Galore

 I went to return two of the three I took to the clinic yesterday.  

The third, Drake, the tame already fixed male, the workers at the Villa (a truck stop, restaurant, motel, and nowhere near any houses), found a home for Drake already.  So he went there.  I was relieved.  Worse feeling in the world to open a trap to let a tame dumped cat back out where they were dumped, even if being fed there.  He had showed up there six weeks ago, they said.

In the meantime been trying to find any rescue to take some kittens, or even a young mom cat and her three from this colony.  Then came the offer from Silverton Cat Rescue to take the kittens.  I'll go back down tonight to catch more cats and the kittens (I hope)

So I release the calico and she vanishes, but the Siamese mom is there, nursing the calico's kittens!  The Siamese's kittens are older.  They're all adorable.  The calico came right back when I put out wet food.

A worker there chats with a kitten

Two of the calicos kittens
I put out a bunch of wet food and the two moms and then all the kittens showed up to devour it, can after can after can.  Oh well, it was fun.   

I went around back of a shop to release the male where I'd trapped him.  There are two mobiles back there, one occupied, one not.  Well, there were all these fire trucks there.  "Uh oh," I thought.  But a maintenance man came over and told me it was a Learn to Burn, with the fire department from the nearest town.  They were about to burn down the unoccupied mobile.  It was in bad shape and they couldn't rent it out because it'd been illegal to put there in the first place and had been done so by previous owners.

I went into worry for the orange tabby mom and her kittens on the front porch of the front mobile, but they were fine.  Nonetheless I set a trap to see if I could catch mom.  She was really freaked by all the trucks and the fire starting up.  Fire departments are so good at what they do, I had no fear for the front mobile, that it would accidentally catch burning those kittens up in the process.  I just got skittish, and thought 'what the hell' I'll see if I can catch the mom fast, then grab her kittens.   

This is the mom cat, on the porch, with the smoke starting up behind this mobile.

These are her kittens

I came back about 20 minutes later, hoping she'd be in the trap.  Instead, it was this cat in the trap.   Must have been hungry to go in with the fire raging behind and all those fire trucks and people around.

Muted torti

I texted the lady who lives in that mobile.  She left for the weekend.  Good idea with the learn and burn behind her.   Anyhow, she said this cats name is IttyBitty and she only sees her now and then and she's not had a litter ever that survived.

So I came back home with her and won't go down again until this evening when it starts to cool off.   Our weather will be hot again today but by tomorrow, back in our usual 70's range.  Nice but not hot.  Just two days over 80.   I'll be in the kiddie pool, if you need me.  Scratch that, phone will be off.


  1. Well done again.
    I hope you can trap the mama and her babies - and that you can enjoy some pool time.

    1. Yup, got em, and was in my pool Saturday awhile.

  2. That an interesting scene to picture, a cat trapping as a building goes up in flames.

    1. I wondered if anyone would think of that. And nobody there thought anything of it. The firemen and women walked around me, seemed uninterested or knew already what I was doing and big deal. I had the back of my car open cracking open a can of tuna when they went by behind me, carrying their heavy hoses and oxygen tanks. Nobody even blinked my way. Maybe its commonplace.

    2. Sometimes, Andrew, I wonder if I died some time ago, am a ghost now, and only the cats can see me.

    3. I don't think you're a cat ghost. You're a cat angel.

    4. I agree one hundred percent. Hugs, my dear.

  3. You do good things...

    1. The cats think, couldn't resist. I should probably be truthful because from their point of view, being trapped by a stranger, spending a couple days in that trap, taken off to some scary clinic, probably they don't think I did a good thing for them. But the future for them and cats in general gets completely messed up, after they get fixed, for the better. No better way to warp the future, than to fix a cat.

  4. That scene sounds a bit chaotic.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...