Saturday, March 02, 2024

Rotten Weather Continues

 Today I woke up to an inch or so of snow outside, maybe it was more. 

Soon, it melted.   For the rest of the day, we've had rain and snow mixed, wind, plain rain and hail.  

I've about had all I can take I fear.

I had a bad night last night, for sleep.  This is rare for me.   Thoughts would not stop.   The man whose five cats I took in last Monday had not returned my traps, despite multiple pledges to do so then not doing so.   

When someone doesn't return traps, it triggers me back to some instances where people used my traps to abuse cats.   The one that haunts me to this day was a "good Christian lady" I was told by the referring person.  She fed four or five teens.  Her house sported lots of Christian signage and a flagpole with an American flag waving, even in the dark or rain, which is the sign of an idiot.   American flags are not to be flown in the rain or after dark.  

I trapped the cats and took them to be fixed just up in Jefferson.  She picked them up.  I thought all was fine.  But I didn't trust her.  It was a year later, I was trapping in the same neighborhood and she came running up the block from her house, knocked on my car window and blurted out that she actually had dumped out those cats right after picking them up, out in N. Albany.  The cruelty of dumping cats still under anesthesia takes my breath away.  No morality, no conscience.  She should be in jail.   Why she told me a year later, I don't know.  Confessing or just plain mean and wanted to hurt me, knowing I'd care about those poor cats, one or the other.  Now I don't like leaving traps in the hands of people whose ambience makes my spine prickle.  When people stall me on returning traps, my mind goes where it shouldn't have to go.  From there, it will jump to other atrocities and it becomes hard to stop.

Oregon has once again criminalized drug use.  Finally the deadly experiment is over.   It was voters who approved the measure to decriminalize and it was the legislature and Governor who reversed it in our short session, thank goodness.   There is no way letting people do drugs publicly is humane.  The overdose deaths skyrocketed.  People shoot up in the middle of streets.  People wander screaming into the air or burn out their brains or steal to keep up their habit and also take up so much EMT/Ambulance time and money,  they can't get to other calls.  Anyhow, relief is flooding Oregon today.  It was a bipartisan effort to reverse course and make it a special drug crime, leaves it to counties to decide how to enforce.

I took this video in slow mo, so it doesn't show the wind like it was this afternoon.



  1. Let your instinct work when judging people. It's sad that you have to do that, but it seems necessary.
    I think it will be hard to turn the drug ship around and stop what has developed, a crime or not.

    1. Yeah it will be hard to turn it around. An older friend in Lebanon told me her granddaughter and husband want to move to the midwest, where they have other family. They have two drug houses on their block in Lebanon and recently there was a dead body on the street, from an overdose.

  2. I hope you get your traps back soon. I think the guy is just inconsiderate and not doing anything bad to cats. So sorry that you have had to deal with the thoughts of the cruel lady from the past. A racing mind is no fun.

    1. I got them back, and then loaned them out again to someone else.

  3. I hadn't heard about your state's 'experiment', but it sounds like a good thing they're pulling the plug on it.

    1. Voters legalized street drugs a few years back in a ballot intiative. Thank goodness its over.

  4. The more Christian iconography, the less I believe them. If you have to show it off that hard, it feels like you're trying too hard. (Of course, I'm not a Christian and I don't trust them much, so that would have given me warning bells anyway.) I'm sorry she told you what awful stuff she did. At least you don't have to deal with her again.

    1. I don't trust Christians either. I try not to throw them all into one stereotypic barrel but by and large, they are the least moral people I encounter.

  5. We need some good news, don't we? At least your efforts do make a difference. Hugs, my dear.


Ten Cats Fixed Yesterday in Portland

 The FCCO clinic yesterday was a training clinic.  The FCCO, in conjunction with United Spay Alliance, is training vets who are interested i...