Sunday, February 18, 2024

Nine Cats, Eight Appointments

 Over caught cats for tomorrow's 8 spots.

When one person cancelled, somehow I thought I'd given her two of the spots, so got two more, when I'd only given her one, so I ended up with nine cats when I only have appointments for eight.  Don't bother to try to figure it out. It's cat trapper math.

I'll take all 9 in case they can do them all.

One of them is not Bob, but is Chico, the long hair white and black in my yard.  I realized after I caught him I actually took game cam photos of him raiding my garage two years ago.

He was in terrible shape then.  I thought the cat was a calico.  The game cam takes black and white but I thought I saw a shade of gray that might mean calico.  I'd set traps in the garage and caught nothing, not even Gigi.  That was when I had a cat door in the garage.  That's long gone.

Chico, two years ago, in my garage (the two photos below).

Well, he's the 9th cat and I'll take him along and hope he too can be seen.

The lady caught the torti in the park too, really fast.   She's half tame but not completely tame.

She named her Turtle.  She's going tomorrow.

Turtle from the park

Then I collected 7 more from two other Lebanon locations.

Hellraiser, they call him


Mini Mau

The other location had four.  That got a bit wild getting them caught but in the end, we got it done.


Big Head


Boo, their torti mom

So, we shall see if number 9, Chico, can be done.  If not, I'll have to find somewhere to get him fixed, rather than give up and turn him loose not fixed.

Other than that, pretty darn good cat round up day.  


  1. I hope they can do nine today. Great job rounding them all up. I know it is very hard work.

  2. Excellent catch. As a knitter, I can attest that counting can be a problem sometimes. Hopefully Chico can get fixed as well.

    1. Chico is getting done too.

    2. Excellent! Well done, my dear. Your 'cat trapper math' made me laugh. So did the name Big Head. Best wishes!


Ten Cats Fixed Yesterday in Portland

 The FCCO clinic yesterday was a training clinic.  The FCCO, in conjunction with United Spay Alliance, is training vets who are interested i...