Saturday, February 17, 2024

Night Cats


No wonder my cats are agitated, at times, especially my boys.   I thought I would have a spay neuter space Monday to get Bob, the big orange boy fixed, but then I realized I'd promised out too many people for my five spots I was gifted last week.  A friend had caught a stray way out up the Calapooia River, where she lives.  There's nothing up there for miles!   So she will get to go.

Then I was contacted by someone with a stray mom who had three kittens and from the location I knew these guys needed fixed fast, as there have been multiple posts about strays and injured strays nearby.  That's five right there.

Then my friend who park feeds wants to catch the latest torti dumped there.  I doubt she'll be successful but you never know.  Now I"m up to six.   Then came the call from the 80 year olds who have, maybe temporarily, their adult homeless drug addicted daughters kittens, now teens, ready to reproduce and were desperate to get them fixed fast.

The clinic gave me three more spots for those cats.   So I have for sure 8 to go, with a 9th I'll have to find somewhere to get fixed if she's caught, but I also have these big boys wandering around my place at night.  ((the video).  I've been feeding in a tied open trap til I get a spot to get Bob fixed.  Little did I know three unfixed boys were in and out of it.

Since Bob has been seen "frolicking" several blocks from here, looking for love and fights, I didn't know if he was still around.  Until Fritter, a.k.a. Kujo, from down the block, began fighting with someone outside.  I ran out, and sure enough, it was Bob.   I set up the game cam and caught not just Bob outside my place, but two others.  Likely both the other two are unfixed boys.   I will try to find spots to get all of them fixed.  Bob has been liberally spraying down my house and yard.   

I set a trap for a couple hours again last night out where I got Valentino, who is now with Meow Village, but caught nothing.   Only a small amount of the food was still in dish in the bucket I'd left there. The board I'd leaned over the front was flat on the ground.  The dead mother cat had been moved farther from the road.  All this to me pointed to a human, who likely stopped after hearing about the kitten seen, moved the mother farther off the road, saw the bucket, picket it up dumping most of the food, which I did find under the bucket, then realizing it was there to protect the food, and replacing the little bowl where it had been and putting the bucket back on its side.  Just a guess.  Anyhow, caught nothing.

The weather was not rainy yesterday, which is a big plus here, to have a day not raining.  You'd have to live here to understand how rainy its been and how depressing day after day of soggy wet becomes after months.

I was shocked to partly read an article in the local online paper before being blocked because I don't have a subscription, that a local was arrested after setting six IED's, homemade, around Albany.  They were starting to give the locations these things were at, when I got blocked.   Apparently one detonated under a police car and did damage.  It scared the daylights out of me to think someone that crazy has been out on the streets.  Happy to hear he's been arrested.

My forsythia is blooming again and the daffodils are trying!


  1. Just too much craziness in the world these days 😔

    1. Sure is, and it scares me sometimes.

  2. The music accompanying your cool video is great! Excellent work on helping more kitties. ~hugs~ We read about two teenage girls carrying explosives around in London, England. It's a scary world, for sure. Stay safe, my dear, and enjoy your flowers. It's too early for forsythia to bloom here but I did see a couple of crocuses before a few inches of snow buried them. :D

    1. The forsythia bloomed in December too, which is the strangest thing. Carrying around explosives in London--wow, crazy too!

    2. That is a bizarre bloom time. And the world has definitely gone crazy. ~sigh~ Be well and stay dry, my dear. I wish you could enjoy our sunshine today, even if the temperature is well below freezing. Brrr...

  3. It's too bad you couldn't put a sign on the bucket for other humans. Of course, that would have gotten washed away in the rain. I hope it clears up soon, but considering how this winter has gone, I doubt that's going to happen. I can hope, anyway.

    1. I fixed that bucket to take really fast right before going out the first time. I'd used it for weeds before that. Cleaned it, spray painted it black, so as to not be seen as easily, no label though for "kitten feeding", which I always mean to do. The rain this year has been relentless. I hear CA is getting another whallopping this weekend.

  4. It is definitely better to hear about someone going around and planting bombs after they have been arrested. So scary. Hope all of your appointments go well.

  5. Bad craziness for sure.

    1. Yes so many angry people, with weapons.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...