Monday, January 15, 2024

Only Two More Days.....

 Only two more days of extreme cold and me sitting around in my long johns and robe all day drinking hot chocolate.

I'll probably look back and miss these days.   

Just kidding.

I turned off the furnace. Something seriously wrong with it.  Warmer without it on.

I have two space heaters now!

But....back to bed.    I think I need a nap.

Just a little freezing rain and two nights down about 12 degrees between me and a 45 degree Wednesday.

Or so they say.


  1. Oh, keep warm, Strayer.

  2. Back to bed sounds good. I hope your furnace can be quickly and easily fixed.

    1. Yes, me too, on the furnace. The HVAC companies are backed up and also right now, can't travel like everyone else.

  3. You'll definitely miss these snuggly days when the heat happens in the summer. But yeah, now, I'm sure you're over it. Sending you warm thoughts.

    1. A little over it. If it were snow not ice and we all could go play in it, sure would be nice.

  4. Oh, no, furnace issues; home repairs never end, do they? Best wishes, my dear. We have single digit temperatures here and lowered the thermostat to save some money. If these conditions continue we may have to go lower still. Thank heaven we have numerous blankets and may turn Terra and Polly into lap cats. lol Stay warm!

  5. Oh boy, how long do those last in your area? Usually? Even one space heater taker the bite off the cold in the house. So all good.

  6. Cold isn't easy on of us.


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