Monday, January 01, 2024

Happy New Year

 Well, its a brand new calandar year.

Happy New Year to all of you out there.

Here's how they celebrated in Idaho, where my brother lives.  He and his wife went to see the potato drop near the capitol in Boise last night.   He sent me the photos.

In Milwaukie, Oregon, they had a cherry drop, in honor of the bing cherry.

Here on my block, a few fireworks were shot off, the car lot folks had their usual party with cars littering the neighborhood and I went to bed rather early, about 9:00, having gotten up very early yesterday morning.

When I discovered my phone shot off fireworks when I texted someone "Happy New Year" I spent a good hour texting everyone with a number I could text, those three words, to watch the fireworks go off, on my screen, laughing every time.

Slinko, Claws Out.....

Slinko's nails grow so fast.   He's getting old and losing body mass.

We lost five cats here last year.  Shaulin, Sam, Shady, Alexi and Mums.

Happy Cat Club, my nonprofit, took a lot of cats in to be fixed last year too, despite the hardships with the clinic changing hands with resulting dramatic drop in available spay neuter spots and increase in expense to do it.

Speaking of the cost to be alive these days, inflation last year was unbelievable and continues, despite claims to the contrary on the news.  Electric rates are skyrocketing for most of us in the state this month, for one thing.   The cost of food makes me wonder how families can feed themselves.   I just stare in shock when I go to the grocery store.

I have nothing to look forward to for the summer, with the reservoirs turned to mud holes, due to that fricking lawsuit by the fish groups.   Otherwise, I'd already be dreaming of being out on the water and in the water there. I can't even think what summer will be like now, with nowhere to be on the water without long trips.  What will I do?   I don't know.  There's really no outdoor recreation in this town, other than walking sidewalks in a city.  Partly its the location of where I live sprawled along both sides of the freeway.  Can't do a lot with that.

I'm not the only one depressed over the loss of the reservoirs.  Some people are already planning to sell their boats.  I still have this hope all will be normal come May but I know that's wishful thinking.  I won't sell my kayak or raft.  They're virtually worthless. I got the raft because it rows like a rowboat and I needed to strengthen my back and boy did it work for that, after I had surgery on my back.   Sometimes I'd just swim, pulling the raft, and later, my kayak, for long long stretches.   I love to swim and I can't go in pools because of my chlorine allergy.  I met a paddle boarder who began paddle boarding long distance at the reservoir because she had a heart condition and needed exercise to strengthen her heart.   I met so many people up there---kayakers, swimmers, paddle boarders....

The Cascade lakes are so far, to drive to, and remain cold late into the summer.  And then there are the mosquitos.   Fern Ridge reservoir down west of Eugene is ugly by comparison to Foster and Green Peter, a longer distance to drive and they charge day use fees I can't afford often.  Anyhow, Foster and Green Peter were gems, beautiful, clear, clean.   History maybe.

 Our winter has been warm so far, with tons of rain but no mountain snow.  Typical for El Nino years but bad for summer, when we rely on snowmelt and reservoirs to maintain our water supplies.

Anyhow, I will leave up the Christmas decor today and take it down tomorrow.  

Scooter (formerly Doogie) from the park, silently judges all.


  1. Happy New Year. I hope this year is kind to you, to your furry family, your car and your mission.

    1. Thank you EC and Happy New Year to you!

  2. Happy New Year, Strayer, to you and your furry friends. I enjoyed seeing the giant potato drop - so appropriate for Idaho. :)

  3. Happy New Year. We never know what the future holds, so if Fate is kind you will be out paddling this summer.

    1. You'd have to see the environmental disaster up close to know its unlikely the reservoirs will ever be full and crystal clear again. All the county officials and some in the legislature have sent a letter to the judge involved in the decision with the lawsuit, imploring a change to the order, that he was not given the facts by the three groups who sued and about the financial impact to this county. I feel like a ghost, having written and emailed so many over it without any response. I asked a friend, did I die a few years ago or something and just not know it? Am I invisible? cause that's how I feel in this whole thing.

  4. Happy New Year and I hope the year brings you stored water nearby.

  5. Who knows? Maybe the others who hate that your waterways have become mudholes will band together and get things to change.

  6. I am happy to see Slinko and Scooter so well loved. ~hugs~ While agreeing with EC one hundred percent, I'd scoop up you and your kitties if possible. Your travails make me and my husband sad. I wish you a brighter 2024.

    1. Do you want to go kayaking somewhere? Somewhere with a lake, that's warm enough to swim in too? Wherever that is, next summer? Just a wild thought.

    2. My friend who lives near waterloo can't look at the river either, now that its a muddy mess. She said she tried to look hard and turn it into "improving" in her mind (getting less muddy) but then couldn't and thinks its worse, if anything, she said. She's much more pessimistic about the situation than I am, thinks the county economy will tank in places over it and thinks I should try to move since I'm hooked psychologically to the river and lake.

    3. Optimism keeps us afloat, don't you think? And oh, I would so enjoy meeting you somewhere. We have friends who moved to Wyoming that want us to visit. The trick is finding someone to care for our three kitties.

  7. There is much to be concerned about these days--- The bad craziness of the right, the overreaching of the left--- Take care of yourself, and your furry wards.

    1. I dread election years. I can't even handle the number of election "slicks" i get in the mail. I see them as money going up in flames, that could be put to useful purpose. I get great pleasure though in lining traps with them. Seems fitting to let cats poop and pee on them. Makes me laugh til I cry. I do look forward to that I guess.


Too Busy

  Prissy, from Quartzville Road.  She loves to play and wants to be a house kitty. I have an inspection of this place in a couple days.   I ...