Saturday, November 25, 2023

Home on T Day

 I didn't go anywhere Thanksgiving.  I stayed put and searched for Gigi most of the day.

I had planned to go to my brother's.   However, his son's new baby became ill with an antibiotic resistant bacteria shortly after birth and only got out of the hospital right before Thanksgiving, still on antibiotics with completely exhausted parents.

As for my brother, he can barely walk due to a bad knee.  He's having it replaced in March.  And his wife broke her ankle a few days before Thanksgiving.  She was walking with friends, not paying attention and rolled her foot off the paved path, fell then I think, I'm not sure, down off the path.

She got Xrays and was told its broken but still hasn't seen a bone doctor about it, couldn't get in, it being the holiday and all I guess.  I think she might get in this next week.   She was told to bear no weight on it, as its that kind of fracture.  Damage will be done.   But even their bedroom is up some stairs.

Two gimps together for the holiday.  I wished I could go down and help them out but figured I might add to the misery if say my car broke down along the way.

So that's why I stayed put here.  If I go see them Christmas it will be only for a day at some point.   They don't need more effort of any sort in their lives right now.  They just need to heal up.

I don't mind.  I have the cats here to entertain me endlessly and order me around.  

I have two FCCO trips in December, but one of them is a little sketchy and whether they catch cats or not (they won't let me help) I'll take up any they do catch.   The second trip is people I don't know anything about but they contacted FCCO who asked if I could help out since they're in wheelchairs.

Then I have a handful of Salem appointments, only five, the entire month of December.  Slim pickings.

Probably for the best since those spots cost me $50 per cat.

I have three spots Monday.  The torti is supposed to go, that the lady hand grabbed at the park.  But she hasn't said a thing about her since catching her.  I tried again today and she said she was busy and didn't answer further.   I would have to pick her up tomorrow at her place.  I gave the other two spots to the vet student, since she's fourth year, and will, once graduated, I believe, move back to her home state of Idaho.  Getting more fixed where she lives before she leaves is kind of on my high pri list.  I haven't heard back from her today either.  I hope to before the evening turns to late night.  Just to know because otherwise I got to go last minute scrounge three completely different cats up and I'm feeling lazy and its cold and excuses excuses excuses.


  1. Your brother and his family are doing it tough at the moment. I hope things start to improve for them. How I wish that your vet student was going to hang around. I am still really happy that Gigi reappeared - as I know you are.

    1. I just had a panic moment over her, thinking she'd slipped out, with one person here delivering cats and another picking ten traps, in and out of house, and garage, was sure she had slipped out. But I found her, still inside.

  2. Oh, your brother and family are having a time of it, aren't they? Hopefully you will be able to get together for Christmas. In the meantime, I'm sure you and the cats had a good time. How many cats do you have these days?

    1. I don't have very many cats who move around much anymore (age related couch potatoes). So I had fun with the two kittens currently here. They are still up for grabs but nobody is going for it.

  3. Sorry to hear about all the medical drama in your brother's family. I know all too well how hard it is for someone to navigate stairs with a gimpy ankle.

    1. No kidding and it was funny this morning to talk to her and I asked how she got to their bedroom, since its up some stairs, to hear her describe doing what your hubby did, scoot up and down stairs on butt.

  4. We don't miss traveling for holidays, though back in the day we seldom considered skipping the trip. Best wishes to you and yours, my dear.

    1. LOL its the worst time of year to travel. I don't mind missing the trips either.

  5. Ouch. Your brother and family are going through it. Yeah, the only reason to go to them would be to help, and it's probably best you stayed home. You've been busy enough.

    1. They'll figure it out. She finally gets to see a doctor next Wednesday about her broken ankle. She didn't look at the Xrays, but said the end broke off one bone, the outside bone which to me does not sound good. Sounds like it would hurt something awful.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...