Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Lost Found

 Not just is Gigi back, from her wherever, so is my Roku remote.

Want to know where I finally found it?

Lol.  Guess I hadn't worn those shoes since I lost it.

I'd probably taken them off, to sit down and watch TV and the remote fell off the chair arm into my shoe.

Cracked me up to find it in there, when the cold hit and I went to put on real shoes again.   I try to stretch out summer and fall barefoot or sandal season way too long some years.

Here's Gigi, who, despite dehydration and resulting constipation, along with a rash backside, is none the worse for wear after her three day adventure somewhere.

She is now house confined, trying hard to make that permanent.  She's so fast, faster than me and can slip out between my feet so easily.

My new hobby is mushroom ID.   When I found those Shaggy parasols in my backyard I joined a facebook international mushroom ID group and became entranced fast.


  1. Hooray for finding the lost. Cats are OFTEN faster (and smarter) than I am. I wanted to put some photos on the PC yesterday. I was looking EVERYWHERE for the cord to connect it. And finally found it - already attached to the camera.

  2. How interesting that the remote was able to land completely flat in the shoe.

    1. Its dark in my place, few lights, the remote is dark and so is my shoe after dark. I have one lamp in the living room, near my chair, but I rarely have it on. No other light in the living room. I watch TV in an otherwise dark room with maybe the kitchen light on. Whether it landed flat or I just didn't see it when I picked up my shoes to put in the closet. Who knows.

  3. Well, you did say the remote would turn up...

    1. Lol! And it did.....I was beginning to think it wouldn't by now.

  4. She's a pretty girl. :D I'm so glad you found her. The story of your remote control cracks me up. You'd be amazed where I've left items and forgotten. ~rolls eyes~ Be well, my dear.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...