Monday, November 27, 2023



We're frozen here.  

Not that bad, really.  Comparatively speaking.

I had three cats as guests for the night.  Two more are from the vet student and her neighborhood.

Steph, sex so far unknown

Franklin, assumed a boy
She says there are two or three more same litter living on the porch of someone who lives near her.  

The other cat who went is the hand grabbed torti originally from the park but the lady who fed her there is going to keep her.


I didn't know exactly when to leave for the clinic, since check in times have changed for the cat people.  In the end I left at 7:30 and arrived about 8:00 like all the other cat folk, who must have come to the same conclusion as to when to get there.  It was nice to see a couple people I knew.  Vivian from Silverton brought in a gigantic male!  I took his photo:

I wonder if he's a teddy bear at heart.  Sometimes these big huge males are the nicest cats you'll ever meet.

Before I left for the clinic, in the frozen freezing morning, I tried to open the back hatch, to load the cats, and the hatch opener broke, clips shattering in the cold.  Nothing left of a couple of them to even try to piece back together with glue.

I temp fixed it by hanging it from the rear windshield wiper but I will forget and turn on that wiper if it rains, so need to figure another fix.

Gigi is transitioning to house cat life.  Whatever went on in her three day adventure turned her into a  believer.  I'd like to think.  She's slipped out into the garage twice since she's been back, only to race quickly back into the house, in a panic.   Wish I spoke her language.  The strange thing too is she has completely changed in her attitude towards the boys who were not nice to her if she came in before.  She ignores them, to their chagrin, as now its no fun to bother her.

Here, she is contemplating life while warming my lap.

And here she is mocking the frozen landscape outside from the window inside.

I don't consider the car broken, simply minorly injured.


  1. Hooray for Gigi. Sigh on the car front.
    We are warming up again here - I would swap temperatures with you in a heart beat.

    1. Scared straight! (Gigi) I guess. we had to watch that show as teens in school. Teens taken to prison to scare them into being good. I know you would trade temps in a heartbeat. I'm going to look up to see what your temp is. And dream of summer.

  2. Brrr... I considered flying my kite today. The wind didn't seem steady enough and I decided it was just as well. It's thirty-six and cloudy. After several days in the fifties range the dip left me chilled. lol What wonderful news about Gigi. I was sorry to read that your vet student will be leaving the area. ~hugs~ I'm not sure if I mentioned that before. And your car... Ugh... Thank you for persevering for these precious animals.

    By the way, my brain farted and I typed 'cat' instead of 'kite', then caught myself. ~giggle~ Weird, huh?

    1. Lol you are as nuts as me, thinking about flying your kite in 36 degree weather. Gosh I bet you are fun! I'm always mixing up car and cat when typing too fast or texting especially. If you were going to fly your cat.........

    2. I don't any of my kitties would appreciate an attempt, though I have been known to toss a young Jezebel and also Terra onto the bed. lol It's so funny when they come back like a kid at a theme park wanting another ride on a roller coaster. We would have fun together, I'm sure. ~sigh~

  3. I guess Gigi learned her lesson. Whatever it was. Sometimes they have to learn it the hard way. I wonder if she'll get over the trauma or if she's inside for life. I hope the latter. Good luck on fixing the latch. I'm sure it won't be too hard once you get the right part for it.

    1. "Whatever it was" that cracked me up!

  4. I can see a drill, multiple holes and some self tapping screws being applied to the injury.

  5. I was wondering if Gigi could become a house cat. I wasn't sure if your neighbors were still pretending to own her. I'm glad she's inside and hope she relaxes soon from whatever happened during her disappearance.

    1. No, they don't want her and affirmed that when she was lost and I talked to them again about her. I tried before to make her feel comfortable in the house but she'd panic over a couple of my bad boys being mean and get back out to the garage. But now she just ignores them and seems extremely happy inside.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...