Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Home Days

 Playing with Doogie and Cougie from Waterloo is very fun.   

All three cats were home with their people by 7:00 last night, the ones fixed yesterday.

I sent off almost all my small traps with a lady in Lebanon who has spots coming up so the garage is kind of empty of traps, giving me space.

Its below freezing by 7:00 last few days and already is below freezing and its not 7:00 p.m. yet.   

So everything must be done early, not only because its dark by 4:30 but because its freezing by 6:30.

Thursday its supposed to start raining again and raining a lot.  That will go on for a long time. 

I'd rather have it freezing nights than pouring again.

I just stay home usually now, when I'm not doing cat stuff.   Today I put up the outside Christmas lights I put up every year, same ones too.  They hang off the gutter.

I got the fake tree out of the garage rafters and put it up too.  I tied it off in three directions so the cats won't knock it over, like usual.  I have a few lights on it so far, but not enough and no ornaments yet.  I wore out.  I'm going to figure out something to watch on TV now.

Last night there was a full moon.  

The Juncos were out in the frozen Forsythia this morning.

I put up my tree every year and this year when I did I thought about Rosalyn Carter and her life of service, including her and her husbands work at Habitat for Humanity.  They were so humble compared to most people these days who are always taking selfies and self  promoting.   I got my fake tree used at Habitat Restore many many years ago and its still going strong.  I have a big problem taking it down because I want to leave it up all year.


  1. If you enjoy the tree why not leave it up all year?
    Raining here today too, but I am v happy that is is. We need it.

    1. I looked up your temps the other day and saw there's been a lot of rain in places there with some flooding?

  2. You don't have to take your tree down. Who will criticise you for leaving it up. That's an interesting moon shot.

    1. I took it from my chair on my phone, as I struggled to get my real camera working. I finally did but too late, moon was high in an empty sky by then. I take my tree down so it will still be special to put it up again.

  3. It was fun watching the kittens as our old cat doesn't play anymore. We just got two nightstands from the Restore. Habitat for Humanity is a great program that has helped so many people. We don't have any Christmas things up yet. Thursday is supposed to be clear and above freezing, so we are shooting for that day to put up some lights outside.

    1. I'm happy I got my outdoor ones up yesterday, in the afternoon when it was still in the 40's.

  4. If you just adjusted the decor on the tree, you could conceivably leave it up all year. Hearts for February. Spring-y in the spring. Flags for the 4th of July. Etc.

    1. You and Darla--same mindset and I think I really like that idea!

  5. Your kitty video is adorable and the music brilliant. :D Juncos were my beloved maternal grandmother's favorite. ~grin~ Nice photo of the moon. As for your tree, I suggest you leave it up and decorate it for different seasons. Or just lights alone. Heh... I agree about self promoting celebrities. Hugs, my dear.

    1. Very true, on decorating it for the various seasons. I think I love that idea!


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...