Thursday, November 30, 2023

From Cold to Wet

 We got our weather change today.  

It's pouring.  Pineapple Express, the news calls it and says by weekend's end, we might get 5 or more inches.   Lucky us.  

Good thing we have the dams, to keep us from flooding.  Had to take a peck at the dam hating crowd in our northwest, which is growing, despite the fact if the two dams in this area were removed, Portland could flood routinely again.

It's too wet to go out and work on my broken car back hatch lever, so that will have to wait.

I always have a good excuse in my pocket these days to pull out and say "See here, this is why it can't be done today."

My neighbor wanted to go see the lights at the Silverton Christmas Market.   We were going to go later in December but she looked on her long term weather app and couldn't find a window where it might be dry.  So we decided on yesterday, knowing the report was good and the cold would be slightly diminished due to the rain due today.

It was right on!   Perfect clear weather for it.  It was 38 or 36 maybe, when we left to come back home about 8, way warmer than it has been the last week at that hour.

We got there maybe 5:15 or so and parked.   She had brought her electric scooter on the rack on the back of the car.  She has mobility issues.  So she rode that while I walked and we had a good time seeing the lights.  The food and drink was way to expensive so we didn't get anything like that.  We did duck into a supposedly heated tent with tables and chairs and a guy singing and playing guitar for a bit. 

It was cold in there too however.  I wanted to stay, could have stayed a long time listening to the music.   I really liked his style.  He was dressed in a Christmas pajama onesie.

Here are some photos of lights I took.

Then we drove back home and stopped for a plate of appetizers at Applebees for dinner.    

With it getting dark so early, seemed like we got home so late.  But it wasn't late at all.   The early dark sure throws off the time I have to get anything done, outside, if its not pouring.  Like try to rig a fix to that hanging broken back hatch lever.


  1. I am so glad you got to see the lights - and that you enjoyed the music. Good luck on the fix.
    It is raining here too - and I am glad. We won't get anything like the amounts predicted for you though.

    1. There was something so comforting about that guys' music, little kids dancing, the cold.

  2. Ooh, pretty. It's nice you were able to get out to see the lights. And it's okay if things aren't getting done right now. It's the dark of the year. We should all be resting.

    1. I'm so glad she checked her weather app and decided we better go now rather than later. Ha, thanks on the dark of the year comment and resting and that's exactly what I did today. I have all these new hobbies I'm into now, like studying mushrooms, well all sorts of things.

  3. While I am sure your day wasn't cat free, it sounds like you had a good time without cats. The inclement weather gives you lots of time to think about a fix for your tailgate.

  4. And the Christmas light photos are lovely.

  5. The lights are so pretty and good planning on getting out on a dry day even if it were cold. We're going to have rain and cold for the next few days, but we won't be deluged like you are.

  6. I'm always so happy when you've enjoyed an outing. Be well, my dear, and stay warm and dry the best you can.

  7. You know, every time you mention the Pineapple Express I think of SpongeBob Squarepants. lol

  8. oh dear, I am glad you still got to see the lights.

    I just shared a new post and would love for you to check it out. Thanks a bunch!


It Will Be Cold

 It's going to be cold nights for a week at least.  Down in low 20's.   Hardly that cold but..... cold enough. Lisa, who moved to Mi...