Thursday, October 19, 2023

Rest up Days

 I'm fed up.   Taking a couple days off since I got sort of a cold, stomach issue after sitting too long in my car trying to recatch those kittens.

Everything I was told by three people there about various events about to happen at the property was a lie.  The only truthful thing is nobody is feeding those kittens.

The same day I caught the Siamese kitten, with a burnpile smoking horribly a few feet from where I was trapping, I was told the fire department was called.   This was allegedly after I left at some point.  And I was also told the next day police were there.  I have no idea if either is true or not.

I have since recaught the torbi girl and the black tux boy but haven't seen the little black boy kitten.  Yesterday the Siamese girl went off to WA with my friend, to join her brother.   I was so relieved for that kitten.

I had so hoped on Tuesday night, in hours there, to catch both kittens left, the black tux and black boy kittens, but only caught the black tux.  I left food, more than anyone around there will do.  I'm fed up with the property people and also the neighbors of the property who stand around and point and gossip about it but none of them would ever think to feed a starving kitten.   They're more fake than the drug people.  I think they love their manicured chemical green lawns more than they do anything actually alive.

Today I'm just doing pretty much nothing.  


  1. Good for you. You need a mental health break and a rest at times.

  2. Hiss and spit. I am so sorry - and grateful that you caught most of them. I hope (against) hope that the small black boy survives.

  3. You meet some messed up people in your line of work. Thank you for continuing to do it, but it would perfectly okay if you decide that it was time to give it up. You have done an immeasurable amount already.

  4. I'm sad for the kitten, but otherwise, I'd leave them be from now on. If they're going to lie and gossip and not help, then they can figure out what to do about the cat population around them without you. Enjoy your day.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...