Friday, October 20, 2023

Black Tux Boy Kitten Tames Fast

 The little black tux boy kitten is taming fast.

It helps they're out in the middle of things in a cage, he and Cougie.  I named him Doodle for the spay neuter records, when he was fixed October 2, but the name doesn't fit him.

The two kittens watch me pet some of the tamer cats here, like not so nice maybe whacko boy Otto, who has turned into a big love.  Otto is about five I think and a nutcase.  You can tell even by his eyes which are a little too far apart.  After years here, he's decided to be tame.   Sometimes its like that.

Otto is black like the kittens mom, but much bigger and um, not as smart.

Otto atop kitten cage

I don't want more cats here, so I've got to find the kittens a place to call home.  Not so easy in a cat overloaded area like this is.  Two of the five kittens are thankfully already with my friend in WA state, but I think my other cat loving friends are at their cat limit.

Last night I was using a "long distance brush" which is just a cat brush comb taped to a stick.   He loved it, so I moved in, looking down, to the front of the cage and opened it and began petting him with my hand.  He loved it.   Pushover kitten.

Their overeating has slowed some finally.  He's so underweight.

The lady who feeds at the park has been feeding a new one there.  She calls him Sami.  But for a couple weeks she's been finding sticky rice and salsa or noodles, by where she feeds, like someone thinks a cat would eat that and then yesterday she said Sami wasn't there, first time since he appeared, that he hasn't been there every day and now she thinks the rice and noodle feeder man, who she describes as older with a long white beard, has taken him.   She's worried for Sami's safety if someone took him who thinks cats eat rice and salsa.

I've not trapped the final kitten yet.  I got half sick sitting in the car for hours upon hours up there, but by last night felt fine and when my neighbor invited me to the dog walker potluck in the park, just half hour before it started, I slung my fold up chair over my shoulder and headed towards the park.  Halfway there a guy I met months ago, when I went kayaking briefly with another of the neighbors friends, pulled up beside me and offered me a ride, for which I was grateful.   He's a nice guy, works a lot, from Nigeria I think it is originally, moved here with his girlfriend, then they broke up.   He's very smart and soon Eddie, my neighbor, and he were engaged in a chess game while a zillion dogs raced around, like it was some big party.  I knew three people there, my neighbor Eddie, the Nigerian man, and the neighbors friend R, with whom I went kayaking.  It really was a dog party and they were fun loving rambuncious, the lot of them.

When the Nigerian man started to leave, I asked if he'd give me a lift home and he quickly said he would.  I can't recall his name, from months ago, when I first heard it from R, when she was determined to turn him into a kayaker, unaware he didn't know how to swim.  

It was a nice time but if I go again, I'll take something since its a potluck.  This morning I need to get over to Waterloo and try again for that last kitten.   I resist even the thought of it, its so unpleasant to be there.  

Tonight I may be going to NE Portland, to join other cat folk getting cats out of a homeless camp that was cleared.  At least I think that's the story.  I haven't followed it, to be honest, but received a call asking if I'd like to come.  I have a hard time refusing the company of other cat folk.  Am I starved for human contact?  Well, I'll say I rarely turn down an offer that involves it!


  1. It always warms my heart whenever you get out for a good time. ~hugs~ What a precious video. :) I hope to read a great story about this next adventure, but sorry you have to endure so many unpleasant situations. Be well, my dear.

    1. I didn't go to NE Portland, too many more miles on my car and too expensive with gas the way it is.

  2. I am glad that you are getting some people contact. Very glad. And hope that you can catch that last lonely kitten.

    1. Trap was set dawn to dark over there today, nothing touched it. so the mom and last kitten are not trying to find food there anymore. My hope is they find the other lady who feeds in her driveway. The mom cat knows about her and I'm sure the kitten will find her fast too.

  3. That dog party sounds like a lot of fun, but chaotic. Good luck with the homeless camp. I'm glad there will be others there to help you.

    1. Being among dogs is so much like being around a bunch of preschoolers. I could only take it so long. They're needy. I cancelled on helping at the NE Portland homeless camp. It's almost four hours of driving there and back, can't do that to my old car or in gas money right now. When I get that new

    2. However, the dogs are a ton of fun and I wanted to frolic with them. Especially fun were their reactions when yet another dog would arrive. The dogs vastly outnumbered the people there, and also had five times the energy of the people.

  4. I'm sending good vibes about finding that last kitten so you don't have to go back to that awful place. It's good you're getting out and about. Enjoy your weekend.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...