Wednesday, October 25, 2023

People on the Brink

 The off duty pilot who attempted to down a plane over Oregon a few days ago was suffering a mental breakdown that involved, allegedly, use of magic mushrooms, exhaustion, dehydration and grief over the loss of a friend.  He was at his brink.   And off his rocker.

Previously, and I'm not sure where this happened, a pilot took an ax to a parking area security gate.  There's video of it.  He looks determined, hacking away at one of the gate arms.

When arrested he said he was at his tipping point.

There's so much stress to life.  Debt, mortgages, kids, working too much, too busy, too many texts, messages, phone calls, too many expectations, laundry, yard upkeep, shopping, holidays, vacations.  

In Albany, here where I live a mother tried to murder her three month old baby.

I think it was last year, a mother DID murder her child here, horrifically.

We're way too busy, I think, and way too alone.   

Our brains can't take it and off they go to netherland.

Here's to more simple uninvolved lives.   And more human contact.

This is what I do when overwhelmed.  I look up, into the night sky and see the billions of stars.  And I know then, I'm nothing in this massive universe.  Takes the pressure off like nothing else.   It's a great feeling. All the weight off.  Celebrate!


  1. My heart aches for the younger generations. Being glued to social media is a poor replacement for human contact, not to mention the artificial expectations it raises. :( Meanwhile, I can only wish more adults could be smart as you and not go off the deep end. ~hugs~ Spending time outdoors and just being kind to those around me are my coping mechanism against the evil in this world. Be well, my dear.

    1. Those are good coping mechanisms. I didn't have any good ones last week, got so stressed over the Waterloo kittens.

  2. There are too many people teetering close to the edge. The world over. I look to nature to calm me down - and like you gain comfort from my insignificance.

    1. Well, coincidentally, we had yet another mass shooting in Maine this time last night. Someone with a gun went over that edge and that's always terrifying, when people on the edge have guns.

  3. We all can get to the point where it's too much. Hopefully people have people to reach out to for help. Or they find the thing that grounds them or centers them or calms them. So many crazy stories out there.

    1. Hopefully people have something in place for when they're at the tipping point, to get themselves whole again. I usually just turn off everything, read, play with my cats, that kind of thing.

  4. There is a lot put on members of society now that weren't there when I was born and grew up. It's not that I would want to go back but we have to better deal with how things are and offer more formal and informal support to people.

    1. Yeah, nobody wants to go back, not really, if they think about it.

  5. That's interesting. When I look at the stars, I fell overwhelmed by the vastness of it all.

    1. I feel the vastness also can put us teensy tiny humans in our place, as nothings, which is good. It bashes in our big egos and takes away all that pressure to make something of ourselves.

  6. It's scary to think about the damage humans can do to others and themselves.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...