Saturday, October 28, 2023

Nothing New Here

 It's been below freezing nights, and just barely into the 50's with a cold breeze today.  Since it was clear at dark, I imagine we'll freeze over again tonight.

So here come the electric bills for heating.   Since the meter replacement a few years back, with the upgraded digital sort, my electric bill is way down, back to normal.  The old meter must have cheated me for years.   I keep the space heater going for the garage cat room/yard cats.  Most of them are old and they need that and love it.

It's a good sort of space heater, auto shut off, ceramic, all those safety features you look for.

Has a cleanable filter which I faithfully clean.

I replaced the straw in the cat yard dens, too.  I think I'm set for winter.  You never really know though.  El Nino is supposed to bring us a warmer than usual winter.   

I have my doubts I'll spend next summer if I'm still alive, at the lake, since it probably won't fill.  There's nothing left of Green Peter, the reservoir above Foster.  They've drained it to pretty much nothing, making the county parks up there as good as dead, fishing is gone, the water in Sweet Home has been dirty brown, from the sludge being washed down.  Damn fish lawsuit people have laid their waste.

I'm supposed to take ten cats to Salem Monday then 10 to the FCCO for two other parties on Wednesday.  There are a lot of moving parts to the Monday load.  The Sweet HOme colony folk are to have five more in the morning.  I have my doubts they will, but I have no clue how many they even feed.  I've already taken 16 to be fixed from there.

Then I'm to pick up an Aumsville female.   That's a bit of a drive.

Then the other four are to be delivered here.   Two more got dumped off at a barn just outside Albany.  Tame too.  Siamese.  Who would do that.   So they're coming.  Then two who never made it a couple weeks back when they had spots are coming, from near Sweet Home.  Two boy teens they trapped.  They're still after the mom I think.   So four are to be delivered and I allegedly will pick up the other six but like I say, a lot of moving parts to it all.

As for the the Wednesday load, 8 are from outside Lebanon in the hills and they will trap their own.  I already delivered traps to them.  And I delivered traps to the kind older couple in a Lebanon trailer park who will try to catch two.  Both parties have been feeding in tied open traps, so lets hope both have success.

After that, I'll be off until the 13th, when I try to catch some cats at a state heritage site.  Six, or is it five, I can't remember.  How could I.   

I meant to take some Halloween decoration photos.  Some people in town go all out.  A house a few blocks from here is really decked out.  Didn't even leave the house today, however.

Sprite, Skippy's sister, trapped by the jail in town here, has moved back in from the cat yard to the house, obsessed with the two Waterloo kittens I'm trying to tame.  Doogie, the boy, who looks almost exactly like Sprite, is pretty much tame now.  I let him out during the day and he's easy to round up to go back in the cage with sis at night.  Cougie is still hissing some at me when I pet her but I pet her anyhow.   



Sprite is ecstatic to have kittens in the house with her.  She plays with Doogie, when he's out of the cage and both of them through the wire of the cage.   As soon as I boost Doogie's vaccine, he'll be out most of the time.   I hate to keep Cougie in there but really want her to be tame in case she can get a home.


  1. Good luck with those trips. All those potential changes and issues would do my head in. And hooray for taming Dougie. Hopefully Cougie will come good soon too.

  2. You have an incredible mind to keep track of all of those cats and appointments. It must be fun to watch renewed life to spring up with the kittens in the house.

  3. Please stick around so we can meet someday; and I forever wish things were better for you. ~hugs~ Best wishes to all the beautiful kitties you've helped and are helping. Be well, my dear.

    1. I'm old, Darla, so every year I make it through alive is awesome. Hopefully both me and the lake will be alive to enjoy each other next summer.

  4. Wow, that is a lot of moving parts. Good luck. I hope it all goes smoothly.

  5. Faulty meters aren't always great and I think we have one, for our gas hot water. We haven't had to pay a bill for two years. I am only honest up to a certain point.

    1. Uh yeah, I wouldn't go reporting that Andrew.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...