Saturday, October 07, 2023

Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Sometimes I just can't win.  Sometimes people want me to do so much for them.  Today I get a text from lady who feeds park cats telling me I should be feeding them to help her out when she works, when I'm over there.  

I was over this morning returning the boy kitten and mom fixed yesterday.  I thought she would say oh good, you got her and she's fixed now.  But no.  She saw this cat in the park months ago and I suggested she trap it but she refused.   Then the cat migrated to residential and had kittens.   Anyhow, just complaining right back at her.  This morning I was exhausted with a car load of filthy traps, but hey, not enough.

Anyhow, I'd just returned four cats to the Lebanon complex and retrieved my drop trap from there.  Then I drove to Waterloo to return the two there and saw the one little kitten, the Siamese not yet fixed.  I pulled the icky paper out of a trap, empty now because one of the LEbanon cats had been in it, and set it, lining it with paper towels since  I had no newspaper and only a couple cans of wet food.  The kitten went right in, but the trap didn't spring.  I checked it out finally, and its been damaged somehow and I'll have to fix it.  So then I let the two fixed yesterday out.   

I'm so tired of drug people, drama and lazy people.  

Here is the now fixed mother of these kittens and the little black fuzzy boy fixed yesterday too.  One to go, the Siamese above.

The fourth kitten of the five to be fixed, another male.

Here are the four from the Lebanon complex who were fixed.

Black Mama, photo from the baby cam monitor.  I had a remote control to spring the trap, because of  a couple of chow hound fixed cats who will eat in it for 20 minutes at a time.  I did finally catch her.  Took three trips and seven hours.  Tenants not helpful there in watching traps.  Too much work I guess.

One of the two boy kittens, fixed yesterday

Princess, the mom of three kittens, but caught only two of them.

The second boy kitten.

Two teen boys als went I caught a couple weeks ago and have been held by the lady who got the spots with the third teen I also caught at the complex but got fixed in Salem.  These were both boys.

The two teen boys 

These photos are just for my records mainly so I can go back if I need to and find them more easily.   

I need to clean out the car.  It's miserable.  And clean all the traps too.  Do laundry and I better get moving on it.


  1. Some people are sooooo ungrateful. And demanding.
    I think you do an incredible amount. And thank you. Again.

  2. Yikes. So, she's unhelpful, and then she complains that you're not doing enough? Yeah, I'd complain right back at her.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....