Saturday, October 07, 2023

Another War in the World

 Woke up this morning to see Hamas has attacked Israel.   

I don't know what to think of all these wars.

Posts began appearing on a Lebanon facebook page of a massive fish die off, in the river below Green Peter dam all the way to Foster Reservoir.  I don't know what has caused it.   A news station in Eugene picked up the story.

Does it have something to do with Green Peter Reservoir being drained to just a river, due to the fish people lawsuit?  And now did this actually kill all the fish?  I don't know.  Is there something toxic in the water?  If the fish people lawsuit caused this, they should pay to clean up the mess, that's for sure.

here's one photo, taken off facebook.

Click here for story on Foster Reservoir Fish Die Off.

We drink the water from the Santiam River, downstream of Foster Reservoir.   I hope the water is ok to be drinking.  


  1. We have had some massive fish die offs in recent years. The cause has been drought (reduced water) and algae blooms which have limited the oxygen. NOT a good death. I hope this is the last of yours.
    And yes, yet another war. We are a slow learning species.

    1. We just had a monsoon that dumped a terrific amount of rain. We're supposed to get another Monday and Tuesday. But...that last time I went to the lake, it was icky and I decided I was done for the year going there it was so icky, even stunk in places.

  2. I am sure the water is safe as the authorities would tell you if the supply is unsafe, to boil your water. What are you saying? There is a history in your country of people not being informed about a compromised water supply? There certainly is and it was shocking.

    1. Ha, yes, to save face, we peons don't count. No faith in public officials here to do the right thing for little ol us. We may not be Flint in name but....

  3. My husband told me the civilian attackers upon Israel flew in via paraglider. It's horrible, as is the fish die-off in its own way. :( I hope your drinking water is safe. Take care, my dear.

    1. I can't watch anything about it. I heard enough when they gunned down 230 people attending a music festival, as they ran, in the back. And paraded one poor girl around half naked and probably dead or near to it, in the streets. Just awful. II don't know what caused the fish die off, haven't heard. Pollution, silt, algae, probably nothing good. Someone said well animals will eat them. Ha. Not by the thousands and we really don't have bears needing to fatten up for the winter on putrid fish.

  4. There would be some irony in it if the fish people lawsuit is what killed the fish.

  5. The situation in the Middle East is tragic and distresses me more than I can say. As Robert Burns wrote: Man's inhumanity to man, Makes countless thousands mourn.

    1. I can't fathom it. We're still butchering one another, still sometimes doing so "in the name of god". How can we ever in the world tackle terrible problems like drug addiction, human trafficking and climate change, starvation when half the world is still butchering their own people, or next door neighbors, anyhow.....unfortunately when I hear the horror stories on the news, they play over and over in my mind--young folk slaughtered, mothers I can't watch the news again.


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