Sunday, June 18, 2023

Scewed Any Which Way

  Summer!   Tomorrow we may end up with record setting lows here.   But that should be over with by Wednesday.  Today its just clouded over, with a bit of wind and now and then some spurts of rain.

Thanks to some donated food from two people I have been eating like a queen for a few days.  Just a glow out to those who share food they are not going to use!  

Seems sometimes like the big companies always win, always protect themselves by screwing the little people over.

Case in point.  The power company.  

Our local power company, which is the only game in town, and a huge corporation, has been found liable for many of the massive wildfires and people's losses in the fires, of 2020.   The homeowners who lost everything will get settlements, at least some of them.  There may be more lawsuits.

However, Pacificorp has already made moves to possibly raise rates to us consumers of their power, to cover the settlement cost incurred by their negligance, in failure to maintain tree free lines and shut off the power to prevent the lines from falling in the windstorm and causing fires.

Great.   I think their management and upper echelon people make HUGE salaries.   Can't forfeit those profits, better to lay it on us littles.  They got lifestyles to maintain!  I'm being sarcastic because its frustrating when rates just went up like 14%.

Also, a Russian hacker gang got into a file moving app used by our state's DMV, and nearly every Oregonian's personal info was stolen in this breach.  Seriously?   The state should pay, you'd think, for using a flunkee 3rd party that can't keep its data safe, our data, by providing Oregonians a few years ID theft monitoring and clean up.  But if the state pays that's really us paying again.   Losers, we are.   

The Russian hacker gang claims they won't demand ransoms of government agencies in exchange for not dumping all the data on the internet to be sold and resold on the dark web.   And won't sell government agency data or release it to be sold. But can you believe a criminal gang?   Ummm, I'm not inclined to do so.  But I have to since I can't afford ID theft monitoring and clean up.

I have to just hope for the best along with 80% of the rest of Oregonians.  I'm being sarcastic here because the state didn't make sure they put our money in a bank that locks its doors at night, so to speak.  And now we are the ones supposed to take the measures, that cost money, to not become an ID theft victim as a result.  

Well how about a video of garage girl Gigi?  I gave her a hair trim and now she acts like a teenager.  Must feel good even though it may not look so perfect.   


  1. Big big sigh. The big companies need the little people - but you wouldn't know it by the way they treat us.

    1. they treat us like peons. Got us over a barrel and they know it.

  2. Never ever come near me with a pair of scissors. It is lucky cats don't notice their own appearance.

    1. Oh come on Andrew, you're no fun. I was just looking for some human "volunteers" for practise.

  3. It makes me mad too that companies always find a way to make their customers bear the brunt of any issue.

  4. I haven't heard about any of utilities going up. We get energy assist later in year. Which cover 4 to 6 months of heat in our home. Which I'm thankful for.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Maybe cause you are not in Oregon and will not be affected by wildfires of 2020 lawsuits against the power companies involved.

  5. Electric is going up everywhere. They seriously hiked rates here, too. This is what deregulation gets you. They seriously need to get back and deal with the mess the grid has become.

  6. I understand your frustration. It seems like the little guy never wins. But it looks like Gigi did.

    1. Gigi, the Queen of All, won big time, and so did I, getting to know her. she's really wonderful.


The Empty House

 Ah, I'm lying.  House is not empty.  Just empty of extra cats. I drove the Gills Landing family, Torti and her Kittens, to Portland Fri...