Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Beautiful Moon

 Our weather is warming back up after some unseasonably cold and wet weather.

Tonight a beautiful crescent moon is out and low in the western sky.

My brother, his wife and daughter are on a long road trip.  Right now they're in Whitehorse, in the Yukon, or somewhere near there and saw this Grizzley on the highway as they were travelling south from Tok.  My brother sent me this photo.  They were only 30 feet from him, but in their truck, at least.

I don't know where they'll be tomorrow.

I've been experimenting with carrying my kayak on top of the car instead of inside it, to the lake.  The reason I quit carrying it on top was I couldn't defeat the resonation noise of straps with wind.   Like guitar strings, vibrating.   Horrifying noise.   But, after turning to youtube, one turn of the strap, so it faces the wind differently, could make a difference.  Ok, I thought.  And it worked!  Also it looks very festive atop my car.  In my opinion, the car's looks are vastly improved with up top kayak.

Yes, those are pool noodles its sitting on, with straps run through the middle.

I met a possum in the yard the other night, who was extremely thirsty. He or she drank and drank from the water I have out for the birds.  I haven't seen the possum since though.  Also, the baby heron vanished from that corner.  I don't know what happened.  Hopefully this possum didn't eat that poor baby.

Yes, I need to mow what's left of the backyard again.  And there's not much not dried out already.

That's about it for excitement around here.  Except I did clean out one of my giant litter box hider storage containers, that holds three litter boxes.  I have to clean them every couple months, soak the litter boxes themselves in clorox, clean the litter box hider liners, and sweep out their insides.  The nice clean look of the inside won't last.  


  1. Litter boxes are an ongoing issue.
    I wonder what made the possum so very thirsty?
    Loved the moon and the grizzly.

    1. It can be tough to find water pooled anywhere, in the summer, if you are an animal or bird. Birds, I've found, are attracted almost as much to a water source as to bird seed. Unless you find a constant waterer, like a yard fanatic.

  2. Your car with the kayak looks quite impressive.
    Your possum photos are good but they look scary. They are nothing like our possums.

    1. They have like 50 teeth but are very placid, even though they hiss like a cat. You can actually remove them from a trap by hand, if you know what you're doing. They do look scary and can do some serious damage with those teeth. I've had them fall through into the cat yard before, then had to track them down, hiding inside a cat housing unit, and, get them contained and out. This is the first one I've seen in the neighborhood for a long time, but the people behind me have said they've had one on their front porch eating cat food they have out for their cats.

  3. You shared some interesting wildlife photos with us today. I instantly spotted the pool noodles under the kayak. Smart.

  4. I like the pool noodle idea for protecting the top of your car. Cheap and simple. Interesting about the strap resonance. Glad there's a solution for that.

    1. Strap resonance is a big deal and so loud!

  5. Cool looking photos.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  6. I didn't think my comment would be allowed due to these stupid glitches. Whew! Anyway, I wish we could go to the lake together. ~hugs~ You always impress me with your 'Google fu' (my husband's term for the ability to find solutions online) and implement them. :D I enjoy seeing wildlife thrive. Nature can be so cruel. :( But I am glad your family is enjoying travel.

  7. It looks like I screwed up and lost my comment. ~sigh~ Anyway, Gigi looks so happy, and her haircut is better than my straggly, neglected hair. lol We are blessed to have options regarding utilities and the like. My husband found a cheaper electric provider *and* auto insurance. I appreciate his efforts at this tedious endeavor. Best wishes, my dear.


The Gills Landing Colony Saga

 I'd like to say I'm done with that large colony that the city of Lebanon doesn't want anyone to feed anymore, after the cats ha...