Sunday, June 18, 2023


 The Green Heron chick on the corner has me upset.    It's now been resting atop a landscaping bush on the corner just a couple feet off the sidewalk.

I read that only 37% of fledglings survive.  But watching nature take its course is not easy on me.

I read that Heron fledglings will be fed by their moms, on the ground,  but only if they are in a location free of people and that corner is extremely busy during the day.

I finally emailed the local wildlife rehab center and asked if I should do something.  The fledgling is fast, too fast to catch and most do not survive in rehab either.  Humans are not comforting to wild animals and its best to stay away, to give them the best chance.  I only see the bird when I drive that way, which is every day.   I did see an adult Green Heron fly over my place, as I have for months, in the direction of that corner but it flew far beyond that corner disappearing in the much taller trees farther toward the small block size park a block farther than the corner.

That was last night.   I had a tough time sleeping last night over several things including back pain from weed eating yesterday.  I gave up when I woke again at 4:30 a.m.   The car lot people had a bunch of people over yesterday evening most with huge pickups, one partly blocked my driveway and I had to ask them to move it so I could go get some shrimp, in case I want to throw some on that corner where the heron chick is fighting for life.  I felt like doing it, but then didn't, thinking, I need to stay out of it.

The car lot people's trucks out front woke me as they left, roaring their frickng loud engines to life and belching off a few feet from my bedroom.

All lies, when they told me they wouldn't do that anymore.  I felt like an idiot ever believing them in the first place.  They don't give a fuck.  

Why in the world does a person purchase a house that does have up to six places to park, if one hasn't stuffed their two car garage full of junk, then have more cars than parking places and also decide its ok to have routine parties and jam up the street in loud pickups.  Sure is a lot of entitlement going on with some folks.  

Anyhow, so sleep problems last night, for various reasons including the belching roaring pickup neighbors.

Sam is dying.  Kidney failure.  Been going on for months as he slowly wastes away.  I give him sub cu, but it won't save him, not at 18 years of age.  Or more.  I'm not sure his age, as he was an adult when he came here so many many years ago.   

I'm sad though, to lose him.   Buffy and he had been friends all their lives and she's gone now.   Old age--no cure for that.  Spending lots of time with him, is all I can do.


  1. I am so sorry. On all counts.

    1. The poor little Heron with parents that did not choose a nest site wisely.

  2. Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry about all your stresses and pains. ~hugs~ Nature sure can be cruel. And people are more than enough evil in this world. Grrr... I hope you feel better and get some rest.

    1. I ended up going back to bed this morning and not waking til 11:30 so I got my sleep in after all and feel much better.

    2. I'm so glad. :D And I just realized I repeated the 'cruel nature' comment. lol Be well!

  3. It's all very sad. And your neighbors... Yikes. Some people just don't care the mess they leave for others.

    1. Oh gawd, my neighbors and their fleet of massive huge loud trucks. They don't appear to use these expensive fancy pickups for anything but show either. I've never known people personally who own pickups they use as passenger cars, although they don't haul many people, because pickups are for hauling, for work, not as sports cars. But these are sports show off pickups, not used as working pickups. I can't fathom it, or understand it. I stared at the tires of the one blocking my driveway. Fancy fancy huge tires and rims and thought of the small fortune just the tires cost.

    2. My brother owns a pickup but he's a contractor and hauls all kinds of stuff all the time in it. It's not for show off, its a work truck.


Last Trip to Lake?

 I went to the lake yesterday.  It was supposed to get up to near 80 by late afternoon.  I checked the reservoir level first, to make sure I...