Friday, June 16, 2023

Heron Chick on Street

 UPDATE:   It's a Green Heron fledgling and still alive this morning, as I saw it on a landscape bush, sitting right at the top.  Hope mom is feeding it.   

What in the world was this fledgling doing in the middle of Jackson street?  For gosh sakes, it looked lost and too little to be on its own and why in the world would a Heron nest in a residential tree?   

I think its a GBH fledgling, but I'm no bird expert.   I had to slam on my breaks, as the lostling was in the middle of the street.   He then ran to the yard at the corner of 30th and Jackson where there are two large trees, maple I think and looked up into the first one, then ran to the second and did the same.  I drove on then, knowing there was nothing I could do.   That's a bad corner, bad place, for a fledgling to be.  No cover, dog walkers are thick, along with kids, bikes, cars, etc.

I had to go retrieve traps today in Sweet Home.  I figured why should I make the trip without going to the lake.  So I loaded the kayak and had a grand old time.  On the way home, I picked up the traps and stuffed the three traps in back beside the kayak and tied them in, since the back is open, with the kayak in the car. This weekend its supposed to rain, not too much, and it'll be done by Tuesday night.   I guess.  Maybe snow in the mountains, but I"m not really sure I heard that right.

 I had a great time at the lake and paddled a long distance, but stopped to swim twice.   There were not that many people on the lake on the side I was on, although I also paddled to the other side and down towards Sunnyside park.  I quickly turned around when I encountered massive numbers of boats and people near Sunnyside.

That's not my thing---lots of people.  I do like it when the lake is rough even white capping.  I not only like the rough water, but it keeps a lot of boats off the lake when its rough.  It began to cloud over just as I was leaving.

I stopped on the way back not only to get the traps but once back in town, to pick up some offered free food at a friends place.  I don't turn down unwanted or shared food.  It really helps out my budget tremendously.  I came home and made a delicious dinner out of some of it.


  1. I am so glad that you got time at the lake - definitely your happy place. Some free food was a bonus too. I hope the fledgling finds its family. I really hope that.

    1. That was a strange sight, for an urban street, the heron fledgling. I read they usually stay in the nest until they can fly, and the nests are usually 100 feet up. I know there are quite a lot of heron nests on the outskirts of town, but for this one to be in town, that's nuts.

  2. A time on the lake and a swim or two must have been blissful.

  3. I hope the heron found its family. The view on the lake is really pretty. I understand why you like it so much.

    1. Me too, on the heron. It wasn't visible on that corner when I came home, so I don't know what happened to the poor thing. The lake is gorgeous, unbelievably so. There is one of the best day use lake parks I've ever seen, on one side of the lake, with bouyed off swim area for kids, sand beach, lots of picnic tables, grass, docks. very very nice for families.

  4. It sounds like your type of day.

  5. I'd so enjoy a day at the lake with you. :D I'm glad you got a nice free meal. There's no reason to turn down something, and even better if it would have gone to waste. I'm always upset if we have to toss out old food, especially meats. Best wishes, my dear.

  6. I know, there's no reason for any food to go to waste with the prices especially. If someone can use it...

  7. As long as you had to be out, might as well go to the lake. It sounds like you had the sort of peaceful day you needed.


Last Trip to Lake?

 I went to the lake yesterday.  It was supposed to get up to near 80 by late afternoon.  I checked the reservoir level first, to make sure I...