Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The Five Cats Fixed Monday

 Three of the five cats fixed Monday came from Lebanon.  All were associated with one house, although one did not live there.

The lady had given one away, when young, as a stray, to a friend.  The friend later left the cat, unfixed, with her late teen aged daughter to deal with.  So Hunter got fixed.  He was the one I went and got after the lady who was supposed to bring a cat by at 6:00 did not show up.


The Lebanon house lady also was feeding two strays outside.  I'd already gotten a male fixed for her.  She caught just one of the outside strays, then wanted one of her roommates cats to get in, a virtual house feral she said.  She said the roommate had two other cats but they were fixed boys.

Took her all day Sunday to catch that little black girl.  She turned out to be pregnant, which surprised me greatly, having been told she was always inside and away from any unfixed males.   Turned out one of the other two cats the roommate has is not a male but also a pregnant female.  They are already fostering another relatives mom cat and her litter.  They'll soon have another litter in the house.

This makes 13 cats now fixed associated with this one tiny area and there are lots more there needing fixed.   This is the lucky one who got fixed.

Espeon.  I botched the job of filling in manually flashed out eyes.

One of the strays she has been feeding--Clyde.  He also got fixed.

The other two cats I found last minute, posting after all the no shows, asking if anyone had unfixed outside cats needing fixed.  Turned up a colony of 25 unfixed cats near Sweet Home.  I went and got two of those.  Both were pregnant.  They said that 13 of the cats are pregnant.  By the time I returned the two, one was having kittens under the trailer.

They promptly filled out the FCCO online form to get appointments and by the next day after they submitted the form, Monday, the FCCO emailed me asking what date would be good for to get their cats in to be fixed, since I'll transport them.   End of May.  So their fast action once they discovered a way to get it done will pay off.   It's nice to meet some folks who actually want to get them fixed.

Dusty, a bobtail torti

Little Bob, a black and white bobtail girl

Freddie the Freeloader then was fixed yesterday.   I let him out this morning and off he went.   The neighbor feeds him too, so he really does not have to break into my cat yard, but he likes my cats.  And the amenities no doubt.


  1. HOORAY for people ready to do the right thing - with your assistance.
    I am smiling at Freddie the Freeloaders unexpected trip. I wonder how long before he is back visiting you and your cats.

  2. I think there are many who would do more but they don't know that such services are available. Unfortunately, you seem to deal with people who aren't on the motivated side of the spectrum.

  3. So many kittens! But there will be fewer in the future because of your efforts. Thank you.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...