Monday, May 01, 2023

Freeloader Freddy

 Freeloader Freddy is now in a live trap in my garage.  Awaiting neuter.  

I have to find somewhere to get it done.  First plan, already implemented, beg the OHSS clinic.

I'm not above begging.

Second plan----hmmmmm.  I'll figure out something, but do not want to lay out $300 for a neuter.

It wasn't too hard to catch him but it wasn't easy either.  I had hoped to get him to go into my remote controlled trap.  I realized that was not going to work this morning.

I blocked the under eaves cat run at its cat yard entrance.  The moment I did that, there was general panic among the cats.  There always is, even if they had no plan to use that run.

I feel terrible when my cats are scared.  Even when they're scared for no reason.

Guilt.  I'm so good at guilt.

The black male realized very quickly he was the target and bounced around all over the cat yard trying to get out somehow.  Hey buddy, maybe you should lay off the nip and not break in.

He, and some other cats, flew in through the garage room cat door, up onto the shelves and into the garage runs that lead into the house.  Big mistake mister.  I can block those in three spots.  I'd already blocked the cat door into the house from that run and now I blocked the run behind him.  Uh oh.

Then it was a matter of setting my large trap in front of the cat door into the house, blocking it at the back with a cinder block, so it wouldn't slide, and trying to get him, and not the other three in the run with him, to make an exit from the run to the house, into the trap.  As luck would have it, the other three went first.  One by one, I let them out.  Jack was most panicked over it.  Arrow--my big black wild boy, not so much and at first I thought the first cat out was the right cat and celebrated.  Alas, ear tip.  So Arrow got flea treated and Profender, before released.

The fourth cat out of the run was the right cat and Freddy Freeloader is now sleeping it off in the garage, while I scramble to find somewhere to get him neutered and all that.   

You messed with the wrong cat house Freddy.  Nobody comes in here and stays unfixed, don't you know.


  1. Well, at least this one came to you. Much easier than having to drive somewhere to get him.

    1. Ha! That's what someone else told me. "Well, now they just come to you. Be happy about that. It's easier."

  2. Well, that sounds like some excitement for all involved. Freddy will be so much better off once he gets fixed.

    1. Yes, happening today for him! I'll let him back outside tomorrow, but what do you want to bet he breaks in again!


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...