Sunday, March 19, 2023

Two Sunny Days

 Two sunny days we've had.  With temps around 60 or slightly above.

That's the best we can do here.  But I'll take it.   Today, rain is predicted again.  

I have been working on enclosing the gazebo I got, which was sold as an outdoor barbecue cover, a couple years ago.  I wanted it to help hold up the cat yard wire initially.  It came with a heavy plastic "roof" cover, which proved inadequate to actually keep out rain so I covered it with remnant vinyl.   Slowly I've been creating a wood exterior mostly with odds and ends of scrap I find or are free somewhere.   

I added an old cot as a shelf.  I got that at a Waterloo garage sale.

My latest add on is a door, which used to be the door to a small dog kennel I used inside as a foster house for kittens, briefly.    The cats love it even though its still not finished.  I realized another cat run shelf in the cat yard was rotted too and replaced it.   

Steve was visiting when I took the video.  He's the long hair white on black cat you can see outside the cat yard.  Steve mainly lives in my yard and the yard and house of the neighbors behind me.  He is really owned two houses down from the people behind me.

Later on, I heard a cat fight going on and went out behind the cat yard to see the gray and white boy, from the neighbors behind me and one over, was atop the fence and very worried.  At that point, his owner scruffed him from his yard and I asked who was tiffing with him.  He said "him" and at that point Fritter emerged from a bush that covers the top of the fence farther down.  Old Fritter (Kujo) who battles everyone, but is cared for down at the end of the cul de sac.

I forget what their gray and white boy's name is.   It might be Cashew, but I am not sure.  He's very polite and comes over to roll in the catnip in my yard.

Stevie had by this time retreated into the house behind me, although he's not owned there, and was hanging out an upstairs window watching the fracas with Fritter go down, from a safe vantage.

Earlier Fritter had been in my garage.  Yes of course he hissed at me while wandering MY garage.

The black unfixed boy, Sinbad, was back this evening, looking for food.   The people I thought might own him don't.   I need to find a spare spay neuter spot somewhere and get him in.  His unfixed status is probably adding to Fritter's fury, although doesn't take much to rile up Fritter.

I went over to the flea market at the fairgrounds yesterday.    It was very crowded.   All of a sudden a familiar face appears and he starts out by proclaiming "I'm a trapper now and I caught me a woman!"   It was Tom, from out near the grange, and his wife.  I hadn't seen them in a long while.  I caught cats out there repeatedly and at the grange.  Long ago, they hosted a Neuterscooter clinic at the grange.  The Neuterscooter vet's kids were helping and now two of those kids are vets themselves.  If that doesn't make a person feel old, don't know what would.   

Anyhow, Tom had rented a trap, to catch a female and kittens in their barn he said, but then he bought the trap and so far has caught four cats and he runs them down to be fixed at the WAG clinic in Eugene when he catches one.  The "woman" he caught was the adult female.  Made me laugh.  WAG clinic is affordable and does ferals although only first come first serve.   So its good for getting one feral here and there fixed but not for numbers.

I might try using them for Sinbad.

Speaking of boys getting fixed, the latest dumped cat at Waterloo park was fixed last Wednesday.   Happy Cat Club paid for it, but since the lady took him to a private vet and it was really really expensive, she donated back almost half of the cost. (Whew!)  She's the one who saw him up there in the brush and had been feeding him.  I tried to find somewhere he could go to be placed but failed miserably and so she just took him home.    His name is now Tipper and he's one lucky kitty.  He was really pathetic there, would show up wet when it rained and never really left a small area, likely where he was dumped.  

I gotta trap tomorrow, an FCCO referral.  She has seven FCCO spots Wednesday and I'll probably have to drive them up, too.  Which might not be too bad a prospect since I don't get out much lately.   A little road trip might be kind of nice.


  1. Two days of sunshine and I can tell from the tone of your post that it was a refreshing change. I liked hearing about the various cats and people you have encountered recently. :)

  2. Thank you - and everyone else who helps. And yes, private vets (the only sort we have) charge like the proverbial wounded bulls.

    1. OMG they sure do. It's like one visit can break you for a year.

  3. Not good when you've got cats in the neighborhood itching for a fight. Hopefully fixing the one boy will help issues.

    1. Hope so, might take awhile though

  4. I hope the weather hold, so I can get a walk in or so. I haven't been to flea market for a while.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Thank you for your tireless efforts. ~hugs~ I'm so glad to read about others stepping up, including the woman who covered some of those private vet fees. Be well, my dear!


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...