Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Exhaustion Hits

 I was so tired today.   I got up normal time and did all the chores, fed the three cats still here, the gas station cats, but I was trudging.  My eyelids were so heavy.  I just wanted to crawl back into bed.   I resisted long enough to return the gas station cats.

I had dreaded returning them.   The guy is nice enough but isn't communicative, didn't call to see how they'd done, so it was painful to think about returning them there.  But before noon, I went.  I called him first so he'd be waiting and I wouldn't have to go back and yell at the trailer through the brambles.  For once he answered his phone.  But once there, I still had to wait ten minutes before he ambled out.

Once that was over and done with, I beelined it for home, and went straight back to bed and slept for hours.

The day before, with the cats up at the clinic getting fixed, I'd ended up at the Bird Lady's place.  I go there once a week or so now.  She's so thin and weak, can barely walk, with a walker.   It's hard to see. She said she couldn't get up and out of the couch she uses for a bed anymore, it was too low and that she'd asked her grandson to raise it but all he'd done was bring up the cinder blocks, which were out on the walkway.

I don't know why I said "I'll do it."   What an idiot I can be, over estimating my own age capacities.  

She wanted the four corners of the couch up on the cinder blocks plus some long decking planks from the garage put lengthwise, with the ends atop the cinder blocks.   I got those planks from her garage first and then one by one, carried the cinder blocks in.   It was extremely difficult to get the heavy couch up high enough with one hand and my shoulder, and then try to push a cinder block under the corner with the other hand and arm.  Getting the planks lengthwise, one down the back and one down the front, resting atop the cinder blocks, wasn't easy either.  At one point I was on my back, trying to hold up one end of the couch with my feet and legs while shoving the cinder blocks under the corners, then getting the plank ends atop them.  I was done in, but got it done, and it was extremely stable.  At this point she tried it out.

Too high, she said.  I nearly fainted.   

I told her I couldn't do more and asked her to call her grandson right then and any neighbor who might help because I was worried if it was too high, she'd fall getting off and on it.  I was panicked some over this possibility, in fact.  She made several calls asking for help but no one could or they didn't answer.

I told her I could at least put it back the way it had been, by sliding the blocks out from under the corners but she didn't want that either.  In the end, I brought in a half cinder block she had in the yard, and made a step for her, to get up and down to the couch easier and covered it in a plush small blanket, so in case she fell at least she wouldn't hit her head on something hard.

Just say no next time, I remind myself.  She's fallen multiple times in that place.  But the main reason is there's too much stuff in it.   Houses stuffed in stuff drive me nuts.   Immediately I want to get unused things out of there, for them, so they can see how wonderful it is to be able to move around in your own house, unfettered and free!  Even cook on a stove that formerly was piled high in stuff.  Ha!   People are attached to their stuff, I've discovered, and I have to let it be.   Still drives me nuts!

The couch elevation contributed to exhaustion today.  

I'm so ready for some sun here.  Allegedly we might get up to 60 degrees on Thursday for the first time this year.   I gave in and renewed my Costco card.   What can I say.    I love their mocha freezes but I like to be able to get their cat food when I need it and not rely on others who have cards, who have their own lives and are busy.


  1. Not only do you save cats, you save people, too. Glad that you didn't get hurt while trying to help with the couch. They make risers to put under the legs of beds that might work for the Bird Lady. But that is her and her family's problem. Just the fact that you visit and talk to her regularly does more good than you'll ever know.

    1. I can't imagine how lonely she gets. I couple weeks ago I took a nap there. She was napping too.

  2. Good for you for attempting to help. Even though I don't buy a lot at Costco, I find the savings on the things I do makes up for the fee.

    1. Their cat food is really good and very affordable. On that item alone, I save a great deal. But yeah, they have some great prices on things like batteries, its worth it.

  3. And this is the week after the time change. That hour makes a difference. I've been dragging myself. It's nice of you to help, especially when no one else will, but yikes, that was a lot of work to raise that couch.

    1. Yes, very awkward and difficult for one person. would have been fairly easy for two people.

  4. Hugs, my dear, for all the good you do. Take care!

    1. Thank *you*! And if you'd like a microwave safe food splatter shield, Amazon (the devil, I know) has some reasonable options. Be well!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....