Monday, March 20, 2023

Lame Day

 I spent yesterday scrounging scrap wood from all corners of the garage, and its rafters, and hardware, to reuse, to make a new feeder for the park feeder lady.  She had said the deer were kicking apart the one she'd made.

Happy I didn't go buy some paint for it though.  I'd sent her a photo of what I'd made this morning by text and she replied with a put down of my effort.  I texted back to make one herself then.  I'll turn this one into a cat shelter for the cat yard.  My cats will love it.   

I also went over to start trapping the referral site, where the lady told FCCO she feeds 7 cats.  I didn't see any cats waiting for food, when I arrived just before the time she feeds.  But I set a trap and she said she'd call if one got caught.  That call didn't come til late afternoon.  I drove over to get the cat.  It was one she fed all right but the cat is tame and already neutered.  I told her its probably owned by a neighbor and let him go.  At this point she said she was cancelling her appointments.  

Ok.  Second time.  But...less work for me.   It can be hard to tell if you feed cats in a dense neighborhood if those cats are neighbor's cats or strays.   One time, Linn County had a cat grant for fixing stray and feral cats.  In it, they defined feral as any free roaming cat without visible ID.  This sure made it easy.  That was years and years ago.

The day was a dud, as far as getting anything else done, except some grocery shopping.  Weather was atrocious, rain and strong winds, cold too.  But hey, at least I got the garbage can out to the curb.   For some reason I hate doing that.

Smudge and Rogue were chasing one another around last night.

I took these a few days back, looking off to the east at the hills covered in snow.

That's Mt. Jefferson, all snow covered, way off there, sticking out and up towards the dark sky.

Tomorrow will probably be another lousy winter ick day.   Might take long nap and stay in.


  1. Sigh at ignorant and rude people. Hooray for naps.

    1. Naps are the best. I think I'd like to nap til the weather turns good.

  2. I guess the woman did not phrase it kindly when she said your building effort resulted in being not right.

  3. Sorry that the lady put down your effort to help her. Some people just don't know how to behave around people who are helping them out.

  4. That ungrateful woman sucks. Stay warm, my dear.

    1. It wasn't too big a deal to me, maybe because I know my cats will love it as a shelter in cat yard. I'm all snuggly warm here, so happy I have heat and a roof. So many people don't right now.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...