Monday, March 27, 2023

Smokey and the Lost Day

 I felt so productive Saturday, getting four of the five cats so quickly, for today's appointments.   They've been in my bathroom.  I felt they'd be more comfortable free roaming the bathroom with access to a litter box.  I had to leave the mom cat in a live trap, although I have switched her twice now to a clean larger trap.  She is too wild to turn loose.

Turns out the three teens are not so tame themselves and I should have put them immediately into traps also and cared for them in my garage.  My bad.   To keep them calm, I stayed out of the bathroom as much as I could and did not take a shower yesterday.  The wild cats could not be disturbed.   

I got chores done and to keep occupied yesterday, I plopped into my recliner and flicked on netflix. 

First thing that came on the scroll, was a series called Night Agent.   I generally do not watch Netflix series.  They're never ending soap operas that may get cancelled right after some cliff hanger season ender.  Waste of time, those series.  

I got caught up into watching Night Agent.  It's fast paced with a satisfying corrupt politician hook in.   Who doesn't like to see corrupt politicians get whats coming to them?  Especially when the second sure fire hook in went down not far into the first episode when what seem like a really sweet old couple are murdered.  Their niece is staying with them and witnesses the transformation of her elderly aunt and uncle into gun wielding self defense experts who tell her to run and give her a number, with a code, to call for help.  She escapes to a neighbors house and makes the call.   Who is at the other end of the line?Drum roll please.  The NIGHT AGENT.  

Episode after episode after episode I watched.   Wtf, I kept thinking, how many episodes can there be left?   Plenty more.   I ended my binge watch at near 9:00 p.m.  I took a break at 4 to drive over and get Smokey, the last of the four teens, plus their mom, who will get fixed today.   Right back at it, once he was settled in.  I plopped back down in my chair and looked at my skeptical bored cats and said "Let's do this.  Let's finish it out!"

I felt cheap, dirty, addicted after I finished watching the last episode. I made confessions and never again promises to the cats over it, turning away to smile, self satisfied, thinking how much fun that was.

I took the cats to the clinic this morning.   I had to scrape the windshield free of ice first.   I got just north of Albany and suddenly a line snakes out across the windshield.  I can't at first figure out what in the world that is.  Then I realize its a crack in the windshield and its snaking out both directions from a small chip my windshield sustained from a flying rock over a year ago.   Shoot!

You can see the original little crack there, in the middle of this photo, from a rock hitting it.

In the clinic parking lot, before they opened the doors, I looked up the Glass Man.  I didn't expect he'd be open at 7:00 a.m. but he was and I made an appointment for windshield replacement tomorrow.   Before, when a tool flew off the back of an oncoming pickup on a curve and smashed my windshield, he came and replaced it in my driveway.  But that was summer and the weather was reliably decent.  In the winter, he does them in his shop.  Since the drivers side part of the crack crosses my line of sight, I'm happy it can be done tomorrow.  Darn car issues anyhow.   Stuff happens though.


  1. Oh, no, a cracked windshield?! You never seem to catch a break, my dear. I'm glad you got to enjoy a guilty pleasure, at least. And please don't beat yourself up over misjudging those kitties. Best wishes, my dear!

    1. Well I do a lot of sketchy place driving, where rocks get thrown up from other driver's wheels or off the backs of their filthy pickups or flatbeds.

    2. Before being totaled in a 2019 car accident our lovely red Chevy Volt couldn't win no matter where we drove. lol Take care!

  2. You deserve a day off from time to time.
    Sigh at the windscreen. It happens, but is never fun.

    1. I really enjoyed kicking back yesterday.

  3. Eeek. Sorry about the windshield. Glad it'll be a relatively quick and easy fix. Hope it isn't too expensive.

    The last Netflix series I binged was Midnight at the Pera Palace. Turkish series dubbed into English. Totally worth the one season, but it too ends with a bit of a cliffhanger (although most of the story threads are wrapped up; it's just a setup for a season 2, hopefully).

    1. I remember you mentioning that series. I'll have to look it up and give it a go. Yes, it is expensive. Nothing is cheap anymore.

  4. I'm sure you didn't need a broken windscreen.
    "Who doesn't like to see corrupt politicians get whats coming to them?" We all like a good fantasy.

    1. No I did not need more expenses. Only in the pictures, Andrew, do dirty politicians get what's coming to em.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...