Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Tumbling into Oblivion

 I'm coming to terms with my aloneness I suppose.  My tumble into oblivion continues, as friends die or move away.  Even my facebook page is devoid of action.  I have to post my photos from the phone there first, so I can then download them.  So I continue to post those. 

I haven't any friends left doing rescue or trapping.   I can't say I ever had many, so I can't complain too much.  I had contacts and associations and a few friends.   I still have a few contacts.    

That's life, that's growing older.  Friends die.  Friends move, get married, go into extremist politics, lol, could not resist that one.  I have lost friends who dove deeply down the conspiracy black holes.  They're just no fun anymore.

My Idaho brother, who is ill, sent me a photo of two Myrtle Wood boxes he purchased, one larger, one smaller.  One, he announced, will be his final resting place.  The other is for his dog.  He said he was too sick to want to talk on the phone.  

I cannot see myself visiting him in Idaho this summer.  I can't even remember his face its been so long since I saw him.  No petsitter and that darn old car of mine are the reasons.  That could change if I find a petsitter.  The business ones are too expensive.

There's no coating of snow this morning here, as I'd hoped.  There's another chance tonight I guess but then it gets colder and dryer and the chances decrease.

My cats are acting like little fuckers lately.  Its the darn neighbor cats, some unfixed, fighting in my yard upsetting everyone here.  My latest thought is I'm going to try to barricade them out.   There's no end to bad pet owners in this area and never will be.

Slinko's looking like an old man cat these days.  He sure enjoys the grooming glove.  Got it at the dollar store.  Best thing ever!    

Rogue, the old wild boy who had vertigo, is still around and doing well.   He's very sweet.   

Since it will be so cold, starting tomorrow night, I am getting my bubble mix ready.  But, before tomorrow night, I plan to get some food coloring to add to the bubble mix.


  1. I wish I lived closer, then we would find some things to do. In the meantime, have you thought about volunteering somewhere like reading to the elderly? When my mother was in a nursing home and losing some of her facilities, I used to read the newspaper with her, particularly the Ann Lander's column. We read the problem, discuss what we think should happen, and then read the answer. Depending on the day, she would more or less participate, but she always enjoyed it.

    1. I've got a bit of compassion fatigue going on, don't want to really do more volunteering than I do now.

  2. Getting old sucks, doesn't it? I will have to search out one of those grooming gloves.

    1. Yes, it really does. I got mine at the dollar store a few months back.

  3. Ah, going one better than the original ice bubbler, with coloured ice bubbles.

    1. Am hoping for spectacular results!

  4. I think we're getting your snow. The news keeps saying that snow is possible. If it happens, you'll hear about it. I don't think it'll happen, though.

    1. Well Portland is getting slammed and they were not expecting anything like what they are getting. East side up there might end up with a foot. Traffic is snarled and people have been stuck trying to get home, due to slider crashes, for hours already, so lots of people will probably have to survive the night stuck in their cars.

  5. There is so much pain in the world. :( Not unlike L&L, I wish we lived as neighbors, especially here where life is pretty good. ~hugs~ Best wishes, my dear.

    1. I would really love it if you and L and L were both closer or I was closer to either or both of you!

    2. If only... ~sniffle~


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....