Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Five Fixed Yesterday

 I knew I'd take Taco as one of my five appointments at the spay clinic yesterday.  Taco is the torbi tux teen from the Shedd colony, the extra I caught over the number of appointments the colony caretaker's daughter had for last Friday.   So I held her over til yesterday. 

I knew I'd be taking two boys from Harrisburg.   What I didn't know when I called that lady up was that her house had just burned.  Not so much her house as her back deck but the house sustained a lot of smoke and water damage.   All her cats survived.  Four or five of them had gone to be fixed awhile back, maybe it was three, I don't recall, but there were the two more needing neutered.

She's living in a motel now, says its like a vacation.   She's a very positive person.    So Sweet Pea and Boi were fixed.   Sweet Pea had been born to a feral mom, who got fixed the last time and Boi appeared as a stray.

Sweet Pea


The other two spots I gave to some folks on a dead end street who had called me.   The guy called me many times in fact, the week before, to talk about the cats.   But....when it came to actually trapping them, he proved not so into it as his phone calls made it seem.   He did not communicate, on whether he'd caught any or even set the traps, and finally Sunday afternoon, confounded by his refusal to answer a text or call, not knowing what was going on, I went over there.  I was horrified to see the traps not even set.  Worse, they told me they caught the male they wanted to get fixed.  But turned him loose.  Why?  I have no idea.  They'd not followed any advice, by setting one trap and leaving.  Trap was also not covered.  So the big male was in that trap uncovered who knows how long, tore up the paper, scared off any other cat who might have been trapped too.   And to top it off, was immediately turned loose, when they got home.   

I took my traps and left.  

Instead of two from there, I took two who had been found crying under a house in Albany.  Twouble and Billie, she calls them.  The delightful thing about this lady is she has a lot of cats left that I got fixed for her clear back in 2008.   When she lived somewhere else in town.  She moved with them and has taken excellent care of them.  Both the new arrivals she found, living under and on her front porch, crying for food, are girls.  She thinks someone left them there, because she has other cats.

Billie from Albany

Twouble from Albany

Now it's supposed to get cold and perhaps snow.  Maybe some snow.   Mostly in the Cascades and Coast Range though.  Not likely here, in the valley, although its possible.   I hope it snows.  I love snow.


  1. You encounter all kinds of people in your cat work. I am glad you get some nice and helpful people sprinkled in with the difficult ones. Hope you get some snow. We haven't had any yet this year. Highly unusual.

    1. How much do you usually get where you live? We usually get an inch, one time sometime during the winter, that doesn't last, but is fun. Sometimes we get a lot, which is extremely unusual and a lot of fun, at least I think so. Often also we don't get any at all.

    2. We usually get 4-5 events with several inches of snow, a few ice storms, along with dustings and lots of cold rain.

    3. Sounds like your winter is warmer than usual then.

  2. It's nice to hear about a responsible cat keeper for once. I'm sure there are more of them out there.

    1. I'm sure its probably the norm but I just don't meet those people in what i do.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....