Friday, February 24, 2023

No Snow Here

 We got no snow to speak of here where I live.   Portland got whammed though, with almost a foot of snow in some places.  

Cars, trucks, even school buses with kids on them, got stuck in traffic for hours Wednesday evening, with some staying in their vehicles overnight, or ditching their cars and hiking to a hotel.   

I woke up Thursday, hoping to see snow outside and saw only this, a light dusting, nothing on streets.

This morning right now its about 24 degrees out, which isn't that bad.  I don't mind cold, if its dry cold.  I haven't made any bubbles, as I'd planned.  Forgot.

The cats love watching the birds out the front window.  The birds, in turn, love the forsythia.

I did go make the bubble solution but it had no adhesion to the slotted spoon, to make bubbles.  I realized it was the cheapo dish soap I'd used, and had some Joy and switched out to using that plus added some corn syrup for strength.  This produced good large bubbles but its windy too, besides being cold, so they would blow quickly away and hit the ground or grass or a bush and pop.  


  1. Birds and squirrels are such great entertainment for cats. Maybe you can try the bubbles again when it's not so windy.

    1. The cats watch the birds for hours on end. Cat TV I call them and that's why I feed them.

  2. Bummer about the bubbles. Sorry you didn't get snow. We didn't get any where I'm at, but as predicted, snow in LA has made national news. (Not LA proper, but LA County.)

    1. I've seen the beach snow photos from down south. That has to be a novelty.

  3. Stay warm and dry, my dear. :D


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....