Saturday, February 25, 2023

Lazy Day

 It's 11:00 a.m. and the temp still isn't over freezing.   

My younger brother, who lives on the southern Oregon coast, got snow there, all day, maybe Thursday.  Two inches or so.   I was jealous/happy for them/jealous.

I already planned for this weather a week ago.  I posted on my HCC (nonprofit) page that the weather for end of week and weekend was going to be cold and sketchy as to snow, how much and where, so asked if anyone had easy cats needing fixed.   By easy cats, I mean easy, not ones that takes hours to trap in sub freezing temps or that require snow and ice clogged road travel.  I think I prepared better than ODOT this time around, lol.   There's a lady with lots of cats, around 30 or so, not sure, needing fixed, and she has them contained and ready.  She's also getting FCCO appointments.  But four females will be fixed from her on Monday plus a male cat from a gas station attendant where there's also a female who had kittens a few weeks ago somewhere near the station.  They had not found them yet.   

Here's a hummingbird bright and early this morning.  The hummers can be very territorial and they fight a lot.   They also get up early and want unfrozen food.  I stuff the center of the feeder, the ant trap, with hand warmers so the solution won't freeze.

Blueberry and Shady were enjoying the sun through the front window this morning.   They would not want to be outside though.  Too cold.

There could be more snow tonight.  But where and how much is up in the air.  The forecasters messed up the earlier in the week forecast so badly that they are loath to make real predictions I think to save face should they be wrong again.   I never really take forecasters too seriously, for accuracy as there are so many variables.  I sort of conglomerate predictions from many sources.  I was very sad that we had no snow here.  


  1. Unusually heavy snow in Portland was reported by our media last night, with cars bumping into each other on the roads.

    1. That was Wednesday and they got ten inches in some places. Lots of car wrecks and traffic jams that lasted all night as the road department was not prepared. We got nothing here.

  2. Hummingbirds are so fun to watch. I have the same style feeder, too. :P While we never see ruby throated hummingbirds before warmer weather, you've given me ideas on how to better utilize the ant trap. Best wishes on all your life saving endeavors and human family wellbeing, as well. ~hugs~ Take care!

    1. They really like those style feeders because they can relax and sit while they eat, not hover and use more energy. I often don't feed them once spring hits and when the butterfly bush blooms, as it gives them great natural food for most of the summer. That butterfly bush, now a tree really, sure attracts birds, butterflies, bees, you name it. It's so popular in the neighborhood with all the bugs and birds.

  3. Our hummingbird feeder doesn't have an ant trap. Does it really control the ants which are always a problem with the feeders?

    1. I never have any problems with ants on the hummingbird feeder.

    2. I may have to look around for another feeder.

  4. Hopefully you'll get some snow soon. I saw a doc on hummingbirds a bit ago, and I was surprised to learn how territorial they are. They really fight, don't they?

    1. They sure do fight, sometimes to the point they almost hit me if I'm outside when they're busy fighting.

  5. Sunday morning here in North Idaho it was spitting snow. Nothing amount to anything.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Got nothing here today, but again forecasted for tomorrow morning. We shall see.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....